Two soldiers died using Jack3d?

Jacked3d has been ban for us since jan 2012

If your reserve don't worry about it and if your active keep it in your car if your unit has that big of an issue with it
Jacked3d has been ban for us since jan 2012

So can someone fill me in as a consistent user of BSN Hyper. Should we avoid pre-workouts? I drink tons of water but I always hear it from friends and family I'm gonna have a heart attack by drinking this stuff.
It gets your heart going and dehydrates you, don't take it before a super long PT or a hike. Just before your workouts if you had a long day and need something to get you motivated
Everything ou put in your body is going to cause some effect on something. Read the label, take the correct dose, don't use it if you don't need to, be smart about what your doing ( don't take 20 scoops and go on flack run) and cycle off of it like the container says. That goes for all per workouts. Lots of caffeine. If your really worried about it then don't take it.
Everything ou put in your body is going to cause some effect on something. Read the label, take the correct dose, don't use it if you don't need to, be smart about what your doing ( don't take 20 scoops and go on flack run) and cycle off of it like the container says. That goes for all per workouts. Lots of caffeine. If your really worried about it then don't take it.

True. I think it was soldiers just taking too much. I knoq they banned alot of stuff that had the 1,3 dimemethasomething in it. Theres a new jack3d micro. Dont think theyve banned it yet
True. I think it was soldiers just taking too much. I knoq they banned alot of stuff that had the 1,3 dimemethasomething in it. Theres a new jack3d micro. Dont think theyve banned it yet

Yeah defiantly I agree, probably took too much and maybe had a pre existing problem too
I miss the old mini thins. Got me through a lot of late night watches, making it through duty the next day after partying hard. Plus trimming down phases I went through. I haven't found anything else that has worked as good for me.

You can trace a whole host of products labeled pre work, weight loss etc being blamed for deaths an then banned. Red bull has a few law suits right now too. I have looked at some of medical data from the deaths over the years and in almost everyone one of them very specifc tests were not done that could have led to possibly giving credit to said claims the product caused death. One has to ask themselves why the tests werent done? Lawyers were involved in some of these cases already with medical experts providing advice. It would have given them a slam dunk to have those tests. Chances are they knew it wouldn't give them the slam dunk and avoided having those tests done like the plague so as not to mess up the lawsuits since its always becomes about the money. doctors play that game all the time too because its about making the most money for some of them.

Bottom line the deaths are a shame. Loss of life is a trajedy. If you have medical issues you need to be super careful what you put into your body. Even without known medical issues you still need to be careful.

I've seen a lot of young kids mess themselves up. Not one ever told the truth about exactly what they took. It's a lot easier to blame an energy drink or pre work out whatever and leave out they were hitting grandmas or neigbhors medicine cabniet poping stuff with no clue what it was..
Probly just used to much. I once drank to much caffeine an had a heart palpitation. Scary as shit... Lucky it was a panic attack.