UG lab crisis.....


Community Veteran
with this china powder thing going on, just curious how many UGs you know of are shutting their doors? I wasnt really paying attenting when this happened, thinking it was no big deal, but at this point, i only know of one UG lab still getting powders and making new batches, every other one I know of is selling off existing stock, then is finished till further notice
Whats the status of the other UGs?
This has caused a lot of panic buying and price increases. Things will turn around and they will find new suppliers soon I hope.
hammer2500 said:
This has caused a lot of panic buying and price increases. Things will turn around and they will find new suppliers soon I hope.
yes hopeflly things will come around,and im sure it will.The feds are using every resource to put a hurt on things,but in my opinion they cant stop any other illegal drug trade what makes ug's any different? things will be shakey for a while but i feel it will work itself out.
at this point Quest is leaving prices the same, which is cool considering with most others gone, especially in canada right now, they could jack it up...I am stocking up anyway just in case
There are still some active powder sources, but many UG's will have issues.
Not sure but there will still be some domestic guys still out there but prices may be up for a while until newer UG labs get some sources and what not I am sure it will not take long. As with any illegal drug trade someone will get the jump on it for the money.
gymlion77 said:
Not sure but there will still be some domestic guys still out there but prices may be up for a while until newer UG labs get some sources and what not I am sure it will not take long. As with any illegal drug trade someone will get the jump on it for the money.

I think I just ended up lucky dealing with one of the original labs, they must have good connections because at this point they are saying they are still getting powder, and prices are still the same
i would love to know a good powder source right now... my guy got popped. things will come around eventually i would think
Thoms said:
There are still some active powder sources, but many UG's will have issues.

That's fine as long as we can get the powders we can make our own home brews wich is really all UGs do anyway.
swoleasstexan said:
yes hopeflly things will come around,and im sure it will.The feds are using every resource to put a hurt on things,but in my opinion they cant stop any other illegal drug trade what makes ug's any different? things will be shakey for a while but i feel it will work itself out.

Thats the whole fucking problem with this country "The Feds are using every resource to put a hurt on things..." Maybe THEY should worry about some other niggling issues first like: The fucking terrorists walking across the borders, the ones that are here, that are getting ready to strike etc! But no not them they are saving US from the great evils of steroids. I'm just so glad that I live in a country that protects me from second hand smoke, fatty foods, steroids etc, so that I can live long enough to die in a terror attack. Give me a break. The laws in this country are created by a bunch of stuffed shirts who never touched an iron plate, stepped into a ring or handled a weapon in the defense of any freedom. They are the I'm ok your ok lets sing kumbia crowd. That most of them smoked dope or used cocaine, but the have to eliminate steroids because no one can be physically superior to them. 225 would cut 99.9% of them in half if the tried to bench it.
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hammer2500 said:
Thats the whole fucking problem with this country "The Feds are using every resource to put a hurt on things..." Maybe THEY should worry about some other niggling issues first like: The fucking terrorists walking across the borders, the ones that are here, that are getting ready to strike etc! But no not them they are saving US from the great evils of steroids. I'm just so glad that I live in a country that protects me from second hand smoke, fatty foods, steroids etc, so that I can live long enough to die in a terror attack. Give me a break.

very good point, i want to be able to shoot my gear, smoke cigarettes if I please, and eat Trans fat if I choose...but i don't want to get blown up doing it
I know some UG labs are shutting down my guy has raised all prices by 10-20 bills per 20ml Bottle and says turnaround will take longer due to lack of powders so I said fuck it I stocked up right before that and I dont plan on placing another order with him for a while.
RE: Hello

Hello Needlesize,

So your a fellow Canadian too :) Good to find a neighbor :) I had a couple questions for you, if you have a minute. I sent you a PM, so when you have time please have a look at it.

Shmigelz (Western, Canada)
The "free market" will work this out...UGL's that are smart and resourceful will remain, others will go under, just keep your eyes open and you'll be fine. Some powder distributors were getting very sloppy and they paid for it.
hammer2500 said:
Thats the whole fucking problem with this country "The Feds are using every resource to put a hurt on things..." Maybe THEY should worry about some other niggling issues first like: The fucking terrorists walking across the borders, the ones that are here, that are getting ready to strike etc! But no not them they are saving US from the great evils of steroids. I'm just so glad that I live in a country that protects me from second hand smoke, fatty foods, steroids etc, so that I can live long enough to die in a terror attack. Give me a break. The laws in this country are created by a bunch of stuffed shirts who never touched an iron plate, stepped into a ring or handled a weapon in the defense of any freedom. They are the I'm ok your ok lets sing kumbia crowd. That most of them smoked dope or used cocaine, but the have to eliminate steroids because no one can be physically superior to them. 225 would cut 99.9% of them in half if the tried to bench it.

very true, a good reason for me to be a proud canadian....the feds let us juice, its legal to possess personal amounts here
great points