Uh Oh, my gut is growing


New member
Just wanted to give an update. I am almost 3 weeks into my first cycle. 500 sust/w and 20 dbol/ed. I was 175lb but have gained 15lb already (yeahhhh!!). Everything is growing, staying pumped, and feels great (horny as hell though!). I expected all of this but what has surprised me is the strength gains, they are through the roof! I have a hard time figuring out what weight to work with because I am getting strong so fast.

My only complaint though is that I am growing a gut. I do not look bloated anywhere except for there. Is this going to go away. My diet is not scientific, I am just eating big but sensibly, not much excess fat.
Probably holding water... I would not worry about at the moment...Im sure some of the 15lbs you gained some of it is fat... don't worry..
No I am not using liquidex. I never heard of it until I came to this board. I am going to look into it though.
Liquidex (arimadex) should help get rid of the water...

I would suggest .5mg EOD to start out with...

i am on the exact cycle just a little more dbol... i am on week 7 now and i am up 22lbs and kinda holding there but what is weird is that after the 5th week when i finished my D its like the sus is really cutting me up and i lost that tummy fat ina hurry. its odd but i am looking really good lately... dont worry about the bloat for now, its gonna leave.
dude2003 said:
My diet is not scientific, I am just eating big but sensibly, not much excess fat.
Theres your problem, unless you are competing i dont see the sense in eating the whole refrigarator to bulk up. I alway sbulk clean and stay lean, I make my diet scientific. Most guys think they are eating good, but dont think about sodium and other things. As I said if your competing, its a different story, but if not, you can keep fat gain to a minimum, and add a solid 10-15 lbs, which is really good once the water weight come soff.
trendkill said:
i am on the exact cycle just a little more dbol... i am on week 7 now and i am up 22lbs and kinda holding there but what is weird is that after the 5th week when i finished my D its like the sus is really cutting me up and i lost that tummy fat ina hurry. its odd but i am looking really good lately... dont worry about the bloat for now, its gonna leave.
dude im the same way dbol bloats me like a 3 week old carcass in the sun but the test at less than 1 gram hardly bloats me at all , and im talking fuul dosed icn eth not vet gear , the new and improved juices can come and go all they want but the fact is TEST IS BEST ;)
trendkill said:
i am on the exact cycle just a little more dbol... i am on week 7 now and i am up 22lbs and kinda holding there but what is weird is that after the 5th week when i finished my D its like the sus is really cutting me up and i lost that tummy fat ina hurry. its odd but i am looking really good lately... dont worry about the bloat for now, its gonna leave.

I am glad to hear that. I thought on just 20 of dbol I would not have to worry about it to much, but the gut is growing. I was going to throw in a little cardio, but I tried to jog last night and I thought my fucking calves were going to blow up from the dbol pump. I made it about 1/2 mile and had to crawl home. I thought about stopping the dbol, but reading this I am going to stick it out. What are your stats?
DADAWG said:
dude im the same way dbol bloats me like a 3 week old carcass in the sun but the test at less than 1 gram hardly bloats me at all , and im talking fuul dosed icn eth not vet gear , the new and improved juices can come and go all they want but the fact is TEST IS BEST ;)

Can I get good gains from test only cycles past my first cycle (Maybe deca with it?).
dude2003 said:
Can I get good gains from test only cycles past my first cycle (Maybe deca with it?).
yes , most people can make great gains off of test only cycles , i think needsize said he doesnt but i think most people do , when doing test only spring for the good stuff like icn enathate or depot both are human grade