Unimed Anadrol 50mg tabs????


New member
hey people!can anyone get thier hands on some real Unimed pharmacueticals Anadrol/50mg tabs U.S. version?????
I have been trying to locate some of these bad boys for a while now,and these are nothing but the REAL A-BOMBS,nothing compares to these!!!
so if you have any info for me,please help a fellow out!
thanks.BigMikeyW :(
These are hard to find, If I remember correctly they got discountinued. Beware for fakes also.
Bro I have not seen these around for about a year. Best bet is to find someone with a scripit for them that does not actually use them, good luck with that though
zwarrior99 said:
These are hard to find, If I remember correctly they got discountinued. Beware for fakes also.

Still show up in the PDR, used for anemia to boost red blood cell count.