Unusual One-sided Headaches lately


New member
I've been getting these crazy strange headaches lately.

When I laugh too hard, Sneeze or cough.. Then I get a 2-5 minute headache pain on ONLY my LEFT SIDE.

The pain feels more toward the back or middle of the left area.

I've been only running 500mg test E and .5 adex. My last bloods showed my estrogen at 64 about 3 weeks ago.

I did some research and it seems headaches are caused by
-Low E
-High BP

I checked my BP today. 133/60
Been taking lots of fish oils 4g and 1g garlic ED, so I don't think it is a BP problem.

I have lowered my H20 intake, less at the gym and less at home due to upping calories for my bulk and just less room for water, so I'm thinking this could be the problem. However, I am not sure. I'm going to test this for a few days and see what happens. It's just shocking to me how it only occurs on ONE SIDE and only really when I apply pressure to my head. (Not in terms of weightlifting though).

PS: I recall having this issue a long while back. Headaches on one side of my head. It was diff situation though, I was taking lots of those Creatine Capsules back in the day and when I put pressure on my head like when getting to last reps to failure I would get these bad headaches on one side, then I dropped the creatine and it went back to normal. I recall that creatine can dehydrate people a lot. so I'm thinking this is the prob. Anyways, I'm posting to see what you guys have to say about this one.

get hydrated and see if the symptoms persist, from what you're saying i think you already have it nailed down..


do you get dizzy or light headed? feel like you could feint?

if those things are happening, this could be something serious, not trying to scare you brother.. but i am being cautionary and considering worst case scenario first to play it safe..

look up your symptoms on the web..

you feel dizzy or feint ?

have you taken any hits to the head?

have you done any strenuous lifting/ cardio while your bp could have been possibly really elevated ?

on the less serious side of possible causes..

intracranial pressure, sinitus, pinched nerves could all be culprits.. typically resolve on their own.

look up " netti pot" to treat any possible sinitus on your own

you can see a chiro for adjustments on any bulging dics/ impinged nerve issues, and get massage therapy for lymphatic drainage massage to possibly help relieve cranial pressure

if you feel dizzy or feint with the headaches, i wouldn't fuck around.. get checked out

there was a very talented kid who had to give up boxing after winning a state championship , he had similar headaches and a contrasted MRI reveled he had compromised/ dmaged blood vessels in his brain that could have burst causing a hemorrhagic stroke and killed him.. not saying thats what is going on with you, not trying to scare you - at all.. just happen to think you're a cool fucking brother and wouldn't want anything to happen to you man, so hydrate and check yourself.. this shit persist take it seriously until you know you're healthy and ok.

let us know how you feel , what happens here man.

best wishes friend, Charley B
I haven't suffered any blows to the head or anything diff, I really do think it's dehydration.

I pretty much stopped drinking water or just so little at the gym and then at home I drink little water, mainly water just comes from my shakes. Had to make room as of lately due to more food intake, more protein in intake too.

Im goona drink water like crazy for 1-2 days, see what happens. It feels little better today.

U making me worried there Mega

I already gave you my 0.02c, dehydration symptoms should abate pretty quickly if that's it. Just remember, if it lasts a couple days, a doctor can hopefully solve your mystery. :)

I already gave you my 0.02c, dehydration symptoms should abate pretty quickly if that's it. Just remember, if it lasts a couple days, a doctor can hopefully solve your mystery. :)

How much water is good for every day? And what doc do u see for headaches for worst case?
visit a gp , general practioner

family doc/ walk in clinic..

he would refer you out to a specialist if unable to satisfy himself that you were in no real danger
How much water is good for every day? And what doc do u see for headaches for worst case?

Enough to keep the corners of your eyes on the inside wet is a good rule of thumb. (lacrimal caruncle) As Hypnotix stated, this usually requires a gallon minimum per day.

Charlie said it better than I could have. GP is the place to start. :)
Enough to keep the corners of your eyes on the inside wet is a good rule of thumb. (lacrimal caruncle) As Hypnotix stated, this usually requires a gallon minimum per day.

Charlie said it better than I could have. GP is the place to start. :)

A gallon min? How is that possible lol. Well today is going to be a long day.
A gallon min? How is that possible lol. Well today is going to be a long day.

I personally am at 3 gallons a day or more right now. Always have water nearby, and it's easy. Keeps the kidneys happy, and skin healthy. There's that whole toxins being pushed out in urine/sweat thing too. :spin:
I always sit at around 2 gallons a day. You should never be lowering water unless you are guided by a coach for a show/shoot.