Upcoming first cycle LGD4033 +Mk2866+ test E


New member
First real cycle.
41yrs, 210lbs, 6'4, 13%

12 weeks for everything
Test @250/wk
LGD @10mg/day
MK @25mg/day (I like the potential healing properties)
HCG throughout or maybe 2 weeks in
Aromasin throughout
Pct novla 40/40/20/20

I will log

The hard part is getting bloods in vancouver.
First real cycle.
41yrs, 210lbs, 6'4, 13%

12 weeks for everything
Test @250/wk
LGD @10mg/day
MK @25mg/day (I like the potential healing properties)
HCG throughout or maybe 2 weeks in
Aromasin throughout
Pct novla 40/40/20/20

I will log

The hard part is getting bloods in vancouver.

Did you receive the sarms from SARMsSearch?
Did an Ill advised cycle like 15 years ago. No results. Did not get the sarms from SS. No desire to ship across borders.