Updates starting at Day 31 of my cycle


New member
I'm on day 31 of my first cycle ever, which is as follows:

Weeks 1-10: 250mg every 3 days - Z-Line Test Enanthate
Weeks 1-5: 40mg/day GP Turan
Currently taking 40mg/day of Nolva to combat early gyno (tender and itchy nips)

Start weight = 153 lbs
Current weight = 174.5 lbs

Some training numbers:
Starting flat bench (5x5 routine) = 155 lbs
Current flat bench (5x5 routine) = 185 lbs
Starting squats (5x5) = 85 lbs
Current squats (5x5) = 145 lbs

yeah, my legs are FUCKING WEAK!

anyways, i'll cut this short. i am going to post some pics tonight of me before and some current pics real soon.

the only sides i have had so far have been some water retention and, as mentioned before, early gyno...itchy and tender nips. started by treating it with 10mg/day of nolva. now up to 40mg/day as the 10 and 20mg doses weren't working.

within the first week on the test and turan, i gained about 9 lbs. now, after 31 days, i am up 21.5 lbs and it seems that most of it is muscle and water bloat. my bf % is between 10 and 15 and may have even gotten lower since starting this cycle.

i gotta go to work, but i will post those pics and give some more specific #s with regards to my weight training every couple days or so.
yeah bro, my legs are skinny as hell! when i first started lifting like 3 years ago, I never did legs cuz they were so weak, i felt like a wuss doing them at all. clearly that's a bad attitude to have, so now i've just sucked it up and started where i had to...with really low weight. i'm doing more reps for my legs currently until i get them up to speed with the rest of my body, then i'll kick it with more weight, lower reps.

today i hit back and bis. started with 3 sets of 15 pull ups. then went to close-grip rows at 120 lbs for 2 sets, then 140 for 2 sets, and 150 for 1 set. reps were 10, 10, 10, 10, 8. then moved to bent over rows on the smith machine. 3 sets x 10 reps at 125lbs. back to rows, this time using the lat pulldown bar, real wide grip. 3 sets...12x100lbs, 10x120lbs, 10x120lbs. then behind the back lat pulldowns. 2 sets, 10x100lbs, 10x120lbs.

then bis. i'm working on doing higher reps, lower weights with bis, as that seems to get me the most sore the next day. throw in some high weight, low rep every now and then. preacher curls first. 3 sets, 12x50lbs. then preacher curls, 2 sets, 21s at 30lbs. 21s for me are 7 reps low to mid point, 7 reps midpoint to highpoint, then 7 full reps, all without rest. then ez bar standing curls, 2 sets, 8x60lbs. back to preacher curls, reverse grip. 2 sets, 10x50lbs. then burnout dumbell hammer curls, 2 sets, 10x25lbs, 10x20lbs, 10x15lbs. boom. done. i'll let you all know how sore i am tomorrow and should have some pics posted by next monday (gotta get the digital camera from my dad).

please comment on my workout rountine and let me know what works for you guys and i will surely try out whatever sounds good! later bros

oh yeah, got some acne or some shit on my upper lip area, but they are not really zits. just kinda irritated feeling and looking. nips still a little puffy, tender, but not itchy anymore. hope the nolva is doing its job.
here are my before and after pics!

here are the before and current pics. hope you can tell which are which (before and current) but if you can't, the first two are before and last 3 are current. when the first two were taken, it was maybe september of last year, was weight training at the time, but before this cycle obviously. i weighed maybe 155 lbs then. tell me what you all think. i think my back looks real nice!
crushed the legs and lower back on friday. man, i get some serious lower back pumps from deadlifts. i'd like to do both stiff-legged and regular deads, but those lower back pumps don't let me. shit they fuck me up! numbers for my legs are going up like crazy every time i do them cuz they were so lagging behind my upper body.
i have a question. it looks like test e was only 9ml per vial, so my cycle is only going to be like 9 weeks. do you think i should go ahead and buy one more vial and add another 5 weeks to my cycle? or just finish this one, take what i got from it, do PCT, and then kick off another cycle in about 3 months? any input would be appreciated.
cya guys
good gains bro, and personally i would get another vial and make the cycle last 12 weeks then save the other test for your next cycle.
Youve made some solid gains but now it is time to kick it into overdrive and go with it!

I agree with the above post, I would get another bottle of test and run the test 12-14 weeks. Takes about 6 weeks for the Test E to kick in and start seeing results.

You will enjoy the T-bol. What's so great about it is, you get the results of Dbol but without the bloat.
add one more vial of test e and maybe var???

i am going to do that then. definitely. i will get some test e, one more vial, and maybe some ana Anavar (var) to finish the cycle with. anyone have any comments about that. would ana Anavar (var) be a good finisher to my cycle if i just took it for the last 5 weeks or so of the cycle?
i'm finished with the tbol. definitely gave me great strength gains along with some crucial pumps and it doesn't look to me like i'm too bloated or holding too much water. what do you all think?
have just heard so so much good stuff about ana Anavar (var) that i would love to finish off my cycle with it to get a little more cut and vascular, along with some more nice strength gains.
as far as improvements in the gym, my goal is to be able to do 225 lbs for a full 5x5 routine on flat bench. tomorrow i will be doing 195 lbs 5x5 and don't think i'll have a problem doing that. i've gone up about 10lbs per week on my bench, flat, incline and decline for my 5x5 sets. gotta love that synthetic test feeling! will say that my sex drive was off the charts around weeks 2 and 3, but that it's gone down a little the past 10 days or so. i can definitely feel the testicular shutdown...felt like my balls were hollow! not a cool feeling, but once off cycle i know it'll go away with proper PCT so i am not worrying about it now.
please let me know what you all think about adding Anavar (var) for the last 5 weeks of my cycle. i have put on 21 lbs since starting this cycle and i seemed to have hit a plateau with regards to gaining weight, which is cool. just really want to have most of stick after PCT is done. i have been adding more cardio (30 minutes 3x per week) so i can lose some of my belly fat, and that is also one reason i would like to try the Anavar (var) . never have had much fat, but also have never had a six pack. would love to finish this cycle with one though, so Anavar (var) is definitely on my mind!
also, have upped my test dose to 250mg every 3 days, which comes to like 570mg/week instead of 500mg/week. really, it just makes it easier for me to inject on a more even schedule instead of trying to do the 3 days, then 4 days injection schedule.
btw, thanks for the kudos with regards to my gains. keep getting compliments at work and from family and stuff. they call me "Monster" at work cuz of my improved physique. of course they don't know that i've got test levels that are through the roof :) but hey, for me to know and them to, well, NOT find out. hehehe
please, keep the comments coming and i'll update you guys with how my workout goes tomorrow (chest and tris day). stay strong brothers!
extending cycle from 8 weeks to 14 weeks, maybe adding var?

today was chest and tris day. just finished up and i crushed some weight today! here is the workout.

flat bench barbell- 1 set 135lbs x 10 (warmup)
4 sets 195lbs x 5
decline bench barbell - 5 sets 195lbs x 5
incline (alternating exercises) - ezbar close grip 3 sets 60lbs x 15 - dumbells 3 sets 40lbs x 10
chest flys with pulley (alternate crossing high to low and straight flys) - 1 set 20 lbs x 20
2 set 30 lbs x 15
machine chest flys - 1 set 115 lbs x 15
1 set 145 lbs x 10
ezbar skullcrushers/close grip presses (superset) - 2 sets 70 lbs x 5 reps each 1 set 60 lbs x 7 reps each 1 set 50 lbs x 10 reps each
rope pulley tricep pulldowns - 1 set 50 lbs x 12 1 set 57.5 lbs x 8 1 set 52.5 lbs x 10
pulley reverse grip flat bar tricep extensions - 2 drop sets 35 lbs x 10, 25 lbs x 15

lemme just OUCH! i was so swollen at then end of my workout i could barely get my shirt off and lather myself up in the shower. feels great!
and it looks like instead of running this cycle for only 8 weeks, i'm going to add another 6 weeks at the same dose of test, which is 250mL e3 days. gotta buy more, so i'm going HG iranian instead of z-line, and am thinking of finishing off with some Anavar (var) for the last 6 weeks to harden up and cut up a little.
u guys think i should stick to just test, or would Anavar (var) be a good addition?
i know how my body reacts to the test, so that's not an issue. had a little early gyno, but been taking 40mg nolva ed and that has kicked its ass.
guys, where are the comments?!?!?! i am trying to log really well my training and such, but i would enjoy this to be more of a forum instead of me just logging this shit online.
anyways, back and bis workout today. very efficient workout, not a lot of wasted sets, reps, or time!
here is my workout today:
(1) weighted pull ups (palms facing away from body) - 25lbs+bodyweight, 5 sets, 5 reps each.
(2) lateral pulldowns (individual handholds, not a bar) - 1 set, 12 reps, 50lbs per arm
- 1 set, 12 reps, 60lbs per arm - 1 set, 12 reps, 70lbs per arm
(3) close grip rows (palms facing each other) - 2 sets, 10 reps, 140lbs - 3 sets, 7-10 reps, 160lbs
(4) straight bar lat pull downs (palms facing me) - 1 set, 12 reps, 100lbs - 1 set, 12 reps, 120lbs - 1 set, 10 reps, 140lbs
(5) arms extended pulldowns (pulling from above head level down to thighs) - 2 drop sets, 10@50lbs, 10@42.5lbs, 12@37.5lbs
(1) standing flatbar curls - 15 reps, bar only (25lbs?) - 12 reps@45lbs - 10 reps@55lbs - 8 reps@75lbs
(2) dumbell hammer curls - 12 reps@25lbs - 10 reps@30lbs - 8 reps@35lbs
****my forearms were so pumped and swollen, i couldn't do anymore sets and was in a rush anyways, so that's how i ended it. would've liked to have gotten two more biceps sets in, but it is what it is :)

btw, i have a new blender smoothi breakfast that i started yesterday. here is the recipe:

1 cups oats
4oz 2% milk
1 container of flavored yogurt
1 banana
2 scoops whey protein

that's like 900 calories and a good mix of slow and fast carbs and i can drink it down in under a minute! badass! blenders RULE.
whats your workout look like for the whole week?

what do you mean by that? i'll try to answer the question i THINK you are asking...
Monday: Chest and Triceps
Tuesday: Back and Biceps
Wednesday: Cardio (45 minutes) and Heavy Abs
Thursday: Shoulders (Delts and traps) and light Cardio (30 minutes)
Friday: Legs and high-rep Ab work
Sat and Sun: OFF

This schedule works with my work schedule where i work most of the day saturday and sunday. There have been times that I have had to push back my workout schedule due to fatigue or injury. Then I just move everything forward one day, but start the next week with chest and triceps on monday still.
I have been growing like mad, so i'm not going to change up the schedule on this cycle. maybe when i go off cycle i will change it up.

I usually spend 10 minutes warming up on the treadmill walking briskly, then stretching for 5 minutes. My weight lifting sessions last anywhere between 45 and 75 minutes, but rarely longer than that.

How bout yourself? how do you schedule and time your workouts? about 6 months ago i realized the true benefit of getting proper rest between same muscle group lifting sessions. i would try and hit each muscle group 2x per week, which was just too much, and it showed cuz i wasn't growing! getting stronger, but the physique wasn't getting any better.
when im on aas i try and hit my chest and back twice a week and i love it! when im on cycle my workouts differ then when im off. A typical week for me on aas would be:
monday- chest and shoulders ( flat bench focus)
tuesday- back a bi's
thursday- chest and tri's (incline focus)
friday- back and bi's

my triceps are alot bigger than my biceps so right now im trying to even them out but that workout routine worked awesome for me when i was on a test e only cycle.
No offense but you should have fixed your diet and really put an effort into your goals before starting a cycle. You could have gotten to 175lbs naturally extremely easy. Maybe not as fast.

185 on flat bench during a cycle of Test? I wouldnt admit that dude. Those are some REALLY low numbers. Judging by your pics its hard to tell that you work out to be honest.

I would have pushed it off and waited a lot longer to cycle.

Im sure I am going to get bitched out for saying that - but, someone had to. I am not trying to be a dick at all, just calling it like it is.
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hey man, you're not a dick. i just don't think you understand the context of what you are talking about. you should of seen me 3 years ago. i weighed a whopping 126 lbs at 6'1" and couldn't bench 70 lbs more than 10 times! i think its all about improvement, right? so that's all i give a shit about. and that's what i'm getting. once again, i didn't post to have people tell me "what a fuckin' pussy u r to not even bench two plates!" i asked for comments on the current state of things, not who i should or should not be or what i should or should not look like. genetics are genetics bro. it's been hard work for me to get where i am, ok? i bust my ass in the gym pretty fuckin' hard. i'm sure you do too. that's all i got.
Been a while since i posted. thought i'd give anyone out there reading this an update.
flat bench is up to 205 lbs (5x5).
squats are up to 155 lbs (5x5).
not going to post any other numbers, but lets just say things are going well.
i have taken the advice of many people on here and ordered some more test to make the cycle a full 14 weeks, adding 25 mg of proviron for the last 7 weeks of the cycle.
i do feel that things are really getting going with regards to strength and size. not gaining anymore weight, stuck at 173, but leaning out, more defined, so hopefully just losing fat and gaining muscle.
thanks to all those that have been reading and or commenting, even the one guy who thought he was a "dick" for dissing my weak-assed numbers!
I understand genetics but don't try and claim hardgainer on me here, that is the biggest load of bull around.....and food is the most anabolic thing you can put in your body...

On a side note, I just get jealous because I am only 19 and I've been training for 4 years, am bigger than most people that start cycles and at 13% bf right now....I really want to run something but know that the benefits wouldn't outweigh the consequences of running a cycle at my age....sorry that's why I'm ranting...

Regardless, good gains man, don't let others get you down as long as you're doing things safe...