URGENT, blood and urine test question


i just got word i have to take a blood and urine test for my
life insurance policy,

im on test , eq and d bol for the past 3 wks what will this do
to the test they run on me right now.
they will more than likely be checking for narcotics, nicotine , [to see if your a smoker],aids, anything they feel will make you a insurance risk.

i dont see them testing you for steriods.they are not your run of the mill tests. very expensive
It's extremely unlikely they'll run test levels. This is usually a CBC, and chemistry panel kind of thing. Not very specialized. And HIV.
However, if you've been on Dbol for 3 weeks it's possible your transaminases (ALT, AST) may be up a tad. They WILL want to know why if they are. (they're looking for chronic hepatitis, etc, not a good insurance risk).
Best thing is to act ignorant, say there's never been anything wrong w/ your blood work before, and perhaps set up a re-draw on the blood. If they've come down, lab error. If not...
By the way, this post is pure entertainment, a flight of fancy on my part. Not to be heeded in any way, and taken with a Kg of salt.
i will be giving the urine and blood next wensday, what im
worried about is the guys that is coming to my house to take
the samples said they will check my liver and kidneys and
pretty much overall health. will these 3 wks put enough stress on
them to show up.

how much d bol would it take to stress that
and how long would it take to come down if i drop the d bol

just finished my 3rd wk
test 500mg
eq 500 mg
d bol 30mg ed

test is in 6 days
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Don't worry about a thing, in order for them to test for roids they have to give you a special test specifically for juice. These test are very expensive, they won't bother testing for that. They test for other drugs like narcotics etc..........no need to worry.
im not worried about them testing for roids, but finding my
liver and kidneys are stressed right now and wondering why.
will they be stressed only 3 wks in.
maybe you should cut out the orals and start drinking 2 gallons of water per day? if you have a whole week that should be enough time to clean out a 3 week cycle. if anyhting, your piss will be diluted from all the water. i've passed drug tests like that
copracor said:
maybe you should cut out the orals and start drinking 2 gallons of water per day? if you have a whole week that should be enough time to clean out a 3 week cycle. if anyhting, your piss will be diluted from all the water. i've passed drug tests like that

Good advice. I know it's gonna hurt, but you might have to suspend the orals for a week. Buffdoc or DRVeejay can chime in on this suggestion.
I'd definitely suspend the Dbols for now. You probably haven't been on long enough to show liver enzyme elevations, but it is possible, Your kidneys will be fine.
I assume you've been on liver protectants; continue them. Lots of water, as has been said, but for healing. They'll test for nicotine, HIV, chemisty, blood count, urinalysis for routine screening for blood, sugar, signs of kidney diasease etc.
I see nothing to worry about but the liver enzymes.
thanks guys,

by the way i have been taking tylers liver detox and
cranberry ever since i started.

and my last d bol was yesterday. test is run this coming