Use of Arimidex and side-effects


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Has anyone noticed/heard/experienced or know w/o a doubt that use of arimidex has caused you to have personal side-effects I would like to hear the side-effects that you have experienced.
For me: 150mg of Test E a week
I have been on this for 8 wks.
31 y/o, 6'2 225lbs. feeling lazy in the gym and constant morning shits and sleep is awful I MOSTLY want to know about your progress or lack of progress when using arimidex and trying to gain as much size as possible. Did it cause you to lose or halt your gains in the weight room? Did it cause or help with bloat for you? How well does/did help you with slightly sensitive nipples?Thanking you in advance.
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Has anyone noticed/heard/experienced or know w/o a doubt that use of arimidex has caused you to have personal side-effects I would like to hear the side-effects you have experienced.
For me: 150mg of test E a week
I have been on this for 8 wks.
31 y/o, 6'2 225lbs. feeling lazy in the gym and constant morning shits and sleep is awful I MOSTLY want to know about your progress or lack of progress when using arimidex and trying to gain as much size as possible. Did it cause you to lose or halt your gains in the weight room? Cause gas? Reduce bloat for you? How well does/did it help you with slightly sensitive nipples?Thanking you in advance.
I just started running dex. Yesterday was the second shot. Well oral shot. I'm taking .25 eod. I'm on test c 500mg/wk. I have noticed that my nipples aren't is tender. But Im not sure yet.
1.It helps w/ bloat
2. it keeps your sex drive high
3. Keeps you feeling on point

BUT if you go too low with E2 your joints will get sore, your libido suffers, you'll
have mental fog, and your gains in the gym will suffer.

If I'm getting morning and noctornal wood then I know I'm in the sweet spot for how much adex I'm taking.. It takes a little bit too fiqure out.. Make slow adjustments
I used a-dex b4 n I just couldn't find the sweet spot with it. Switched 2 aromasin n it dialed me rite in

where did you start as far as mg's go for aromasin? and what are you taking now/how many times a week?


adex seems to be something that maybe awesome, IF you can get to that spot, but in most cases people have to work too hard in order to get it dialed in and even when you think adex is on point, you may have weekes that make you feel like poo and you have to adjust!
I've been using 12.5mg ED n my estro level is at 27 rite now which is rite where it needs 2b. Bro I tried 4 bout 5 wks with a-dex 2 get my estro in check 2 no avail. Got tired of feelin like shit so I went with aromasin n 2 wks later started feelin good again. I've been usin liquid version so it's a lot easier 2 play around wit doses if u have 2
I've been using 12.5mg ED n my estro level is at 27 rite now which is rite where it needs 2b. Bro I tried 4 bout 5 wks with a-dex 2 get my estro in check 2 no avail. Got tired of feelin like shit so I went with aromasin n 2 wks later started feelin good again. I've been usin liquid version so it's a lot easier 2 play around wit doses if u have 2

That's odd that it seems everyone is using right around.d 12.5 every day, and it seems to be the right amount to help