Using Bridge as stand alone T booster. Have some questions.


New member
Hey everyone,

Brand new here. Quick rundown of my situation. I am 28 yo with a left sided vericocele and consistently low T counts - 325-360 range. I am not an avid lifter and my main goal here is to try and increase my T levels naturally as well as counter the effects of low T. I wanted to use HCGenerate but it is always out of stock. So I opted for bridge and was suggested to double dose for effects similar to HCGen.

So today was my first day at double dose.
Im thinking I may need to stick to the reccommended dose at first as I seem to be experiencing an edgy-wired/weird/minor cranky-depression feeling. I know it sounds strange but is the best way I can describe it. I know from past experience I have a pretty sensitive system so it could be things adjusting. Im guessing it might be the Alpha-GPC/pregenolone combo as they are both nootropics. Maybe my brain adjusting to increased choline levels. I am not sure.

Anyways, I do not want to let this get in the way of me trying the product for a month. I will try and start with a lower dose. All reviews seem very positive so I am excited for what it could do for me. Want to get blood work done after a couple weeks.

What do you guys think these effects might be from? I am a complete newbie to everything related to androgens/supplements so looking for insight from the more experienced. Thanks in advance.
I have used it several times and never experienced any abnormal reactions to it, maybe your body just needs a couple of days to adjust.