Using OX while on birth control?


New member
My girlfriend would like to start using Oxandrolone. Would being on ortho tricyclen lessen the effects of the anavar?
i have known several women to use gear while on birth control... but when i think about it, on one hand you have the bc which raises estrogen and then you have gear which suppresses estrogen... so with that in mind, you would almost think the two would cancel out each other, but i have read many success stories with anavar while on bc...

Me personally, i stay off bc while "on"...

but as far as other interactions.. NO there should not be any...
She will not go off birth control yet, so maybe I'll let her do a run and we'll see how it turns out. I don't think it will hurt anything.
Ive done both- and have never *knock on wood has had any problems at all...

the only thing Ive noticed is once in a while Ill skip a period while ON..
Nicole said:
Ive done both- and have never *knock on wood has had any problems at all...

the only thing Ive noticed is once in a while Ill skip a period while ON..

Thanks for the info Nicole, I was wondering the same thing.:)
Fyre said:
Thanks for the info Nicole, I was wondering the same thing.:)

No problem!!Its actually kinda nice- the first time I skipped I ran to the store for a Pregnacy test! haha! Nice and negative! HAHA
Nicole said:
No problem!!Its actually kinda nice- the first time I skipped I ran to the store for a Pregnacy test! haha! Nice and negative! HAHA

That's one reason I went on BC. Because my bodyfat is always quite low, I rarely got a period. That's kind of scary when u miss it for like 4-5 months! So, will my periods totally stop again when using Ox?:confused:
If u don't mind me asking, how long do u normally stay on for before taking a break? Thanks cutie!;)
Nicole said:
10-12 weeks on- last time I took 6months off in between.

I was thinking of doing 12 weeks but a couple of friends of mine said they've run it for 16 before. Seemed a little long to me.
Hey Fyre.. you will probably lose your period due to your low bodyfat more so than caused by the anavar.. it is not really androgenic enough to have that much of an effect, but then again it does also depend on the dosage and also the way your body reacts to gear... It will lessen it, but as you lower your bodyfat as you have in the past, your period will lessen and lessen till you skip months at a time. When you use a harder androgen, such as Winstrol (winny) or primo, you may see a total loss of your period...
I only lost my period when i went on winny.. not even while on primo... and i do loss it on tren as well...

and as far as running your ox... hell you could stay on 12 months LOL.. it is so easy on the body and non-toxic.. i tend to take a week break here and there and flood my body with sylimarin/milk thistle just to cover my bases, but i have run ox for 6months at a clip with no probs...

Hey Nicole... how low was your bodyfat when you lost your period?? And when you lost your period while on ox, was it at the beginning? You said you skip a month?? Just curious...

luv super
Thanks supergirl, i knew you could run it for a while without worry. I just wasn't sure how long. Now, to find some, seems quite hard to find these days.
supergirl said:

Hey Nicole... how low was your bodyfat when you lost your period?? And when you lost your period while on ox, was it at the beginning? You said you skip a month?? Just curious...

luv super

Hahaha- my body fat never gets "TOOO LOW" hahahah! I really havent ever checked it in many years for personal reasons- I try to avoid numbers in relation to my weight- I get too obsessive..

Yes the last 2 cycles Ive done about 12 weeks- usually miss the first month... and the last month..
Nicole said:
Hahaha- my body fat never gets "TOOO LOW" hahahah! I really havent ever checked it in many years for personal reasons- I try to avoid numbers in relation to my weight- I get too obsessive..

Yes the last 2 cycles Ive done about 12 weeks- usually miss the first month... and the last month..

LOL... i hear ya on the bodyfat testing lol.. i get the same way!!

anywho... the loss of your period at the beginning of a cycle is VERY common.. You systems is being flooded and adjusting.. at the end is weird though.. haven't heard that before.. My one guess is that your body once again is re-adjusting to the change and fluctuation in hormones...
Nicole said:
Ive done both- and have never *knock on wood has had any problems at all...

the only thing Ive noticed is once in a while Ill skip a period while ON..

quick question, My wife did her first cycle and she was on Birth control at the time.....and she missed her think this is due to the cycle or do i get the baby room ready again.....
you all pretty much told me what i need to know...thanks


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Chickie said:
wont the Anavar (var) keep her from getting pregnant once she gets on it?

honey i wish that was true!!! i would NEVER come off hahaha

actually i will see if i can find some research on this for you :)
HI I am a newby my husband just showed me this message board cuz I was asking a lot of questions that he felt I was better off discussing with other females interested in the same thing. I am debating on doing a cycle of primo or anavar. But I am concerned that it will affect my reproductive system and I have not had children yet. How long after my cycle would I have to wait so my system would be clean? I am 26 5'2 117. I do cardio 4days a week for an hr 2 days weight traing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.