Using the pad while you squat.....

I actually didnt use them for 2 years, then I started using them when my hands were getting very rough. Wife didnt like it very much lol

I will try to go back again and lotion more

What I find helps the roughness is keeping your hands dry (using chalk or liquid chalk, toughening up the skin, and holding the bar where it needs to be. Example would be for deadlifts...hold the bar close to where callouses form at the base of the finger. Don't try to hold it mid hand as gravity will act to force it down where it should be creating discomfort and form skin/callouses. Make sure the knurling on the bar isn't too aggressive as that will also destroy your skin. Definitely lotion up as needed away from your gym token don't do it immediately before you lift n
Random thread insert but any of you guys try captains of crush grip trainers? Their knurling is brutal.

I have a bunch and really like them. I can just close the #2 (I'm not a big guy). Your hands do get used to the knurling - goes well with the texas power bar.
Don't your arms give out first pulling overhand?

Normally grip is the limiting factor yes but I do my training and warmups with double pronated grip. Only if I'm doing max effort or 1RM will I use the switch grip
I'm a big fan of the thick bar. I've been using it for rows and reverse curls for the past couple months and noticing a definite improvement in grip strength.

Exact reason I'm getting it brother. I'm going to use them for deadlifts, bench, press, and cleans.
I've got good grip but it could always be better lol. Gripping the fat bar is great for this as at rack pulls, farmers walks, etc :)

I have great grip strength. Completed all the grip competitions at olympia but one, a 200 pound fat bar dumbbell. Fuckers
They are awesome. That knurling is nasty for the uninitiated. I have pretty tough hands and the first time i used a brand new one, i was like wow this shit cuts.

If anyone is wondering what i'm talking about, here's a link

They are hand grippers, but not your ordinary hand grippers(obviously :) ) They are made for super men and tough mother truckers who want to break things with their bare hands. They are a hardcore strength training tool and not bad for the forearms. Makes a damn good christmas present for anyone you know who is into bodybuilding/power lifting. They are really fun and can also be used as a gag gift( if you get one that is impossible to close by an ordinary human) The main ones are levels 1-4 most people can't close a 1. Very few in the entire world have even closed a number 3. Merry christmas :xmas:
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