Vaders road to recovery and beyond


New member
Yo bros Like Iv said in previous threads I tore my pec its so far been 10 weeks post surg i feel healthy and lean but alot smaller iv lost 45 lbs ALOT of muscle soon it will be time to bounce back up and beyond my peak at 120 kgs (will get more pics up of pre injury and now later )

my previous cycle was 250 mgs test 300 tren and grew like a weed went from 225 to 275 in 6 weeks now im bak down to 225

this time its gona be nuts

750 test e 1 - 22
600 eq 1 -22
400 tren 1 - 14
10 - 20 iu slin 1 - 4 10 - 14
100 mg dbol aday for4 weeks

aim is to get on stage next year at 250 and it WILL hapen follow me on this progress bros will be nuts the rebound from not training for 20 weeks will be insane (waited 10 weeks befor surg)
Not being a dick but aren't you the 19 year old that was shooting up so much shit that you ripped your tit right of the tendon? And now you're jumping back in, fresh off surgery, with THAT cycle and you haven't trained in 5 months?

Not sure if you're into "metaphors" but here you go:

He is going to do what he wants to do and nobody can stop him. It will be interesting to see the progress for this cycle.
Not being a dick but aren't you the 19 year old that was shooting up so much shit that you ripped your tit right of the tendon? And now you're jumping back in, fresh off surgery, with THAT cycle and you haven't trained in 5 months?

Not sure if you're into "metaphors" but here you go:

i was on 250 tesr 300 tren not tht much
ok an update its been 6 days since i started tren is at 525 mgs ace test has been 250 now 500 and i just added eq at 400 and 10 iu slin post workout

so far iv added 12 lbs and look leaner im rebounding VERY fast

sides so far are fkd up dreams , sweating , no night sweats yet
That's a pretty beefy cycle. I'm with Mr. Lesbians on this one, shouldn't you be easing back into this? And if I recall correctly, it wasn't that you hadn't taken so much, it's that you hadn't come off in like two years right?
That's a pretty beefy cycle. I'm with Mr. Lesbians on this one, shouldn't you be easing back into this? And if I recall correctly, it wasn't that you hadn't taken so much, it's that you hadn't come off in like two years right?

lol iv came off for short periods and iv only been using since last year
up 9 kgs id say almost all muscle in 14 days



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Up 9kg in 2 weeks and you think it is all or mostly muscle. Lmao. It is immposible for the human body to obtain those gains In that ammount of time. Your on dbol can thank that for your quick gains but don't think its all muscle cuz its not