Var Advice Required Please x


New member
Hi Ladies,

I was wondering if you could help me.

I competed in my first two bikini competitions back in April and I got feedback from the judges to improve my shoulders lats and quads.

I have been in off season now for 6months on approx 2200 cals a day and I want to compete again in Spring.

Do you think along with my diet and training that a course of Anavar would be beneficial to me for muscle growth? if so could you give me an idea of length of course and how much to take?

and if not var would there be anything else you could suggest?

I would love to hear your opinions!

Thank you <3
Yes, steroids will help you add muscle mass. A lot of women use Var. There are several threads in this forum that share their experiences.

Just start with a low dose and watch for signs of virilization. Also note that finding real Var is difficult. It gets faked a lot with other steroids that are very androgenic (not appropriate for women).
Yes, steroids will help you add muscle mass. A lot of women use Var. There are several threads in this forum that share their experiences.

Just start with a low dose and watch for signs of virilization. Also note that finding real Var is difficult. It gets faked a lot with other steroids that are very androgenic (not appropriate for women).

Welcome Bikinibob..:wavey:

This ^^^ as Meg said.
I have witnessed the use of steroids with women in many years back. Of course the women that go full bore end up with not so nice side effects and became very manly. I'm sure you understand. The ones that are doing bikini shows other then BB were doing very, very low dose Winstrol and or Var. Short cycles only twice in one year. The low dose provided all the good attributes of steroids. Great gains by the end of the year with little to no unwanted sides. They only did this twice. They have no reason in their lives to continue. It was good for these two I knew.

Good luck ... the old guy here. OMM