var or the other

12 weeks on any oral is too long about 60mg for 6 weeks. Why do you feel the need to run it for so long?
After running several orals, anavar being one of them and seeing what they have done to my lipid profile I won't run any more than 6 weeks. Go 6 weeks at 60.-Marc
I've run var for eight weeks with no complications, so one more week wouldn't be that far of a stretch, but 12 weeks is definitely too long IMO...
deathbringer said:
both being run with 500mg test e a week

45mg a day for 12 weeks


60mg a day for 9 weeks

what do you guys think
howong are you running the test for ?
if your running test for 12 weeks or more i would split the var up with 5 weeks at the front , a few weeks off and time the rest of the var to end the day before post cycle therapy (pct) starts .
DADAWG said:
howong are you running the test for ?
if your running test for 12 weeks or more i would split the var up with 5 weeks at the front , a few weeks off and time the rest of the var to end the day before post cycle therapy (pct) starts .

I second this.
I did run it for 12 weeks once in a stack at 20mgs/day. Wish I would have gotten bloodwork now as I didn't then. 6 weeks tops on any orals for me now.