VAR question homebrew grams


New member
I've made fina 4 times from pellets back college. At one point I got food poisoning followed by a miss diagnosed parasitic infestation which almost killed me since it went undiagnosed so long.

Once I gave up on the VA hospital to tell me what was going on, I learned and cured the issue and now after 6 months of running and lifting I'm ready for a soft impact, lean stack.

I've got my source for Primo powder and I'm getting 10 grams to make 200 ml x 50 cc.

I'll be running 400-600 mg a week, split up 2 shots for 12 to 15 weeks.

Here is my question,
I want to run Anavar (var) with it and my source has it, but I can't figure out how much i need, I can get 10 grams but if I only need 5 I'd rather save that money.

I'm thinking 20 to 40 mg a day for 8 to 10 weeks.

And I also already have some d-bal, tbal, and test eth.

Plan was to get a little more test eth from Z,

Then start out with the primo +
- d-bal ( up to 2 weeks worth ) than
- switch to t-bal ( about 4 weeks, than
- switch to Anavar (var) for the balance of 8 to 10
weeks with the primo. Then PCT.

What I don't know is how much Anavar (var) I need, and I plan on capping it with creatine
and or protein.

I don't drink alcoholic so that's why I wasn't planning to suspend the Anavar (var) in 151.

I've been in this world for over 20 years, but I don't stick around the boards much because someone always arrogantly shows up with their ego, attitude and stupid comments... Please don't be that person, if you have nothing good or useful to say please just don't... Thank You.
I've made fina 4 times from pellets back college. At one point I got food poisoning followed by a miss diagnosed parasitic infestation which almost killed me since it went undiagnosed so long.

Once I gave up on the VA hospital to tell me what was going on, I learned and cured the issue and now after 6 months of running and lifting I'm ready for a soft impact, lean stack.

I've got my source for Primo powder and I'm getting 10 grams to make 200 ml x 50 cc.

I'll be running 400-600 mg a week, split up 2 shots for 12 to 15 weeks.

Here is my question,
I want to run Anavar (var) with it and my source has it, but I can't figure out how much i need, I can get 10 grams but if I only need 5 I'd rather save that money.

I'm thinking 20 to 40 mg a day for 8 to 10 weeks.

And I also already have some d-bal, tbal, and test eth.

Plan was to get a little more test eth from Z,

Then start out with the primo +
- d-bal ( up to 2 weeks worth ) than
- switch to t-bal ( about 4 weeks, than
- switch to Anavar (var) for the balance of 8 to 10
weeks with the primo. Then PCT.

What I don't know is how much Anavar (var) I need, and I plan on capping it with creatine
and or protein.

I don't drink alcoholic so that's why I wasn't planning to suspend the Anavar (var) in 151.

I've been in this world for over 20 years, but I don't stick around the boards much because someone always arrogantly shows up with their ego, attitude and stupid comments... Please don't be that person, if you have nothing good or useful to say please just don't... Thank You.

Alright bro! Here is what you're looking for! 40mg a day at 10 weeks is 70 days x's 40mg equals 2800 total mg in that period! You need to use 2.8 grams of powder!!! Does that answer your question???