Var question, kidney troubles ; any info welcomed


New member
hey guys,
just looking for any advice, I haven't been able to find much online regarding my specifics-- I ended up hospitalized for a few days with a kidney infection. I've been out for about 10 days and finished up my antibiotics. I was hoping to start my var cycle the 1st of the year, but obviously that plan didn't work out so well. I'm not drinking and I know that orals can take a hard hit on the liver and kidneys. I actually asked my er doc and I got a 'well any oral medication or drug will always stress the detoxifying organs' ...Thanks for the generic answer doc. I'm hoping to start a new cycle asap, and my source is legit so it isn't cut w dbal (I'm a chick so that's huge) I'm posting bc this will only make a hand full of cycles for me, hoping that anyone with a more extensive cycle history may be able to give me their opinion. Thanks for any info :)
My reading skills may not be on par at the moment. I didn't really see a question there or what you need advice on specifically.
I'm wondering when if I should wait out a few weeks to start, or since I'm done with my antibiotics, I'd be good to go immediately- my bad if I didn't specify enough - I just can't seem to find anything online regarding orals and time length after a kidney infection.
Gotcha. Someone will be alomg soon that is better qualified than me on that. As far as the liver, there are many liver support supplements you can and likely should take. Liv52, NAC, udca, etc. My unofficial "trainer", who probably wishes I'd quit pm'img him with questions, has me taking 3 liver supplements and taurine for my current cycle.

As for kidneys, that's for someone else to answer.
much appreciated! the liver info seems
to have much more info published than kidney troubles for whatever reason. but thanks for the replies, and hopefully a kidney - apt member may have a suggestion. I feel better again, but just hoping for outside opinions. :) Thanks again though. & ps it isn't your reading skills, it's my writing skills that aren't quite on par ;)
Eh. Just giving you a hard time while also keeping your post near the top so people who know what they're talkimg about can answer.

It's a slow day at work for me.
I'm pretty sure they're going to ask me to be a moderator after today. I've kept this place pretty lined out. Haha.
As for kidney supps, there unfortunately really isn't much out there. I wish the kidneys had their version of NAC. The best thing you can do is drink a lot of water to keep them flushed.

Personally, if I just had a kidney infection, I might wait a bit before starting a cycle. At a minimum, get blood work to see that your BUN, eGFR and creatinine are back to normal before starting a cycle. You can use private MD lab's Hormone Panel for Females.

Anavar is excreted by the kidneys and it is metabolized by the liver. See the table on the right hand side of the page in this wiki link.
Thank you Megatron!! I couldn't find much online, so after trying to get the inside scoop from an ology member, blood work was the lesser of evils than I was moving toward. Advice well needed and reassured :) thanks again dude!!
Did you have a UTI by chance? That would make a big difference whether or not cycling at this point would be wise. For us men, it's far less common - but women often find a UTI turning into a kidney infection if they're not aware they have one. If it was due to a UTI, I'd give the kidneys a chance to recover a bit (well, in either case), otherwise I'd try to figure out what caused this before complicating things with AAS.

My .02c :)
I'm sure the answer you wanted to hear was more along the lines of, everything will be fine, go ahead with your plans. But these were two, of the many here, that I was expecting to chime in and offer good guidance.

With that, my 12 hour shift of sitting in this chair is almost over. I've replied more today than I have in the last 6 months. I need a break and to charge my phone for the 6th time today. lol
no, that was almost the first thing the docs at the er checked for , & in addition I've actually never had a uti ever. that's why they kept me in the hospital for so long, and never figured out how I acquired such a bad infection in the first place . doc said it just 'happens sometime'....more awesome generic doc replies :p
ps so with that said; (no uti); think I'd be good to start up or still wait a minute before I get going? really wanting to get going but not if it will likely do more harm than good
:) All good :) all advice is very much appreciated my friend. charge up that phone, leave that chair and go home to relax ;) Thanks again
Already home relaxing. I'm not sure if it matters for them to give advice or not, but are you just doing var or a var and clen cycle?
I can't offer scientific advice bout the kidneys but common sense tells me that I'd def wait before running anything let alone an oral after having a kidney infection. They just got done fighting off something that was not suppose to be there and now your already thinking bout putting more stress on them already ? I don't know if your rushing things cause you got a competition or photo shoot coming but I'd def wait m friend.
just var honestly , never thought of even running clen- will be looking into that more, only had considered clen as a ptc cycle for dudes- thanks for the tip :) go relax and enjoy your time off!! thanks again ;)
well appreciated dude, had the same instinct but thoughts since I couldn't find much online + really waited to gear up---well knew better but was hoping to hear differently :p human nature & ability to (half way) believe what ya wish to be true lol
well appreciated dude, had the same instinct but thoughts since I couldn't find much online + really waited to gear up---well knew better but was hoping to hear differently :p human nature & ability to (half way) believe what ya wish to be true lol

I totally understand and can relate. I believe must bodybuilders we have type a personalitys. We like to push the envelope. Good luck.