VenomX 1st Place AtherJen 2nd Place RiverCity @ Vicksburg MS


New member
Well we're back. I was never able to get pics friday because we were worried about my weight, i was 193 at noon friday with a 187 weight cutoff, at first i was going to drop the water but after a few hours my muscles started cramping and i started flattening out. So i decided it wasn't worth it because i wanted to come in full unlike the last couple comps so i started carbing up and drinking water again. I weighed in at 192 and bumped up to heavyweight. I was a little depressed because i thought my top 3 summer was on the line, but i was able to just relax and have fun with it.


Rivercity - Heavyweight - 1st place

It was a close overall but the lightweight just came in with some crazy conditioning, i was very impressed. I must say it was a bit awkward in the final posedown, i felt like a lost kid in walmart, didn't really know what to do, guess i'll be better prepared for the next one now lol

It was the first time i had come into a show really full, i was able to get a crazy pump backstage and stayed fairly dry the whole day. I was a little more wet than the last couple shows so a little more adjustments are necessary but we're getting close.

Oh and the Wife? Yeah she pulled off a 2nd Place in Figure Tall!!!!!!

She definately earned she looked incredible, ton of improvement over the first two shows. I'm very proud of her. The Girl that placed ahead of her has already won national qualifier and they have near identical physiques but the top girl is a little leaner. Very proud

Big Thanks to JNuts for taking the pics for us they always turn out top notch!


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Not one pic works for me,

Nice job on the results tho, congrats to both
Thanks guys,

Mike all of our shows are NPC in which i compete as a Junior, got two more to go, then its bulking time :) :) Oh and by the way congrats on your Monterey Overall win, you looked great. Hopefully if i can dry out enough and keep my fullness for the next two shows i can get that elusive overall title and compete in the Open Division next year.
Was this a novice divison with few participants?

i'm confused with the weight cutoffs as 198 - 225 is the division for Heavyweight. So you should have been a light heavyweight. I'm sure there is a reason but i didn't see one.

Also why wait till next year to compete in the open. Do it now. More time your on stage the more you learn. you'll become that more comfortable.
This was a smaller show yes, i compete in the juniors, which some states call novice, because its a smaller show there were only 3 weight divisions for the junior, light middle and heavy, with the heavy being 187 + i was really worried about the heavies because there was no top limit to the weight.

The next show will be much larger so it will have the 4 divisions including light heavy. I don't want to just jump up into the open, i want to earn my way to it by paying my dues and winning a junior overall title, at that point im forced into the open division. I'm trying to spend as much time on stage now to prepare myself for it, thats why we've done 3 shows already with 2 more to go. Gotta learn to walk before i can run :)
Wow, best condition ever... It looks like these pics and your last comp were a year appart instead of a month or so. When did your hair start fallin out? Last I saw you had a full head of hair. I like the look however, I just did the same.
thanks bro, i buzzed it off for this comp for something a lil different, however because i buzzed instead of shaving it the light and shadows make me look like im actally bald with hair on the sides lol. So to fix it i blade shaved it the very next day. Looks better now. :)

Dammit im under the wifes name again!