VENOMX UPDATE: 2.5 weeks out!!!


New member
Well its about time, sorry about the delay. Should have had these up this weekend. I snapped these real quick this morning before work, so these are on an empty stomache and stone cold, no pump at all.

All caliper measurements down putting me at around 4%. If i look soft its because im taking in 10grams + of sodium a day! I just can't get enough of it, its my new candy yum yum. So yeah i'm holding a lot of water which is probably why im weighing in at ~180 lbs. Gotta make that 176 cut off weight though.

I also think the light in this hallway washes out the cuts too, oh well.

Holla back at me.





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... looking GREAT ,,, really ,, very thick and the cuts are very visible , , good work.
your legs look like they are holding most of the water, can't wait to see them dried up ,,
Do you have any pictures of you totally relaxed, without flexing anything? I just want to see what the difference is between posing and not.
damn Venom lookin good bro..1st thing thats pops out when i see your pix is your serratus (sp) your midsection and back look amazing..

and what supp line is that for the shameless plug? and what is it all in it? is that what your taking or are you taking "anything" else along with it?
Wow you look great man. You went from 8% to 4% and didn't lose any weight? Are you seriously natural? I'm close to calling BS.
Thanks guys, the plug is for it should be in my sig, My wife and i are sponsered athletes by them. I have just recently started taking them. Before that was just core stuff.

LiftTillIDie: I've dropped to 4% but im holding atleast 7lbs of water because like i said im taking in at least 10 grams of sodium a day!! thats why i think the weight stayed pretty level. It does fluctuate from day to day too so that lets me know even more its water. Not to mention my diet has been a TON healthier since i started dieting, i actually got stronger the first couple weeks, but im feeling the effects of it now, strength and energy down etc.
Thanks aboot and Vennom, i can't wait to see what i look like without water.

Oh and just an FYI: This morning i weighed in at 179.5lbs so like i said, it fluctuates a little, i'll update the post to avoid confusion.
Venom - Looking on target and looking great!! Quick question though. Don't you think you are a little far out to be sodium loading?

Usually soidum loasing starts like 10-14 days out MAX, then you start lowering about 5 days out, and completely by 2 days out. Just curious as to your theory.

Looking good though, and you should do well!!
crazymike said:
Venom - Looking on target and looking great!! Quick question though. Don't you think you are a little far out to be sodium loading?

Usually soidum loasing starts like 10-14 days out MAX, then you start lowering about 5 days out, and completely by 2 days out. Just curious as to your theory.

Looking good though, and you should do well!!

Mike- Ill answer this for you (this is his wife). We are sodium loading right now to condition his body to the high level. Some do it only 14 days out but we were more 21 days or so. This will allow his body to reach homeostatsis again, aldosterone stays low.
The increase in sodium has helped keep intracellular fluid levels higher, aiding in strength and pumps in the gym.
Of course, we will be doing the sodium load/deplete as most other competitors, just did a bit earlier ( also as per our wisdom guru that is guiding us through the last few weeks until stage).
Here's a gym shot for you guys, to show you what i mean when i say the light washes out the cuts....

Whoa, looking great venom bro!

Just wondering, and im sure alot of other people are too

are you 100% free of steroids and/or pro-hormones?

Either way you look great, much respect,

Let us know bro
