VENOMX UPDATE: 2.5 weeks out!!!

look great bro ,imo if i worked more on your lower pecs it will give a nice rounadtion to your chest but man you are awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
volatile said:
Whoa, looking great venom bro!

Just wondering, and im sure alot of other people are too

are you 100% free of steroids and/or pro-hormones?

Either way you look great, much respect,

Let us know bro


i do have a confession.... I AM ON THE MOST POWERFUL ANABOLIC OF ALL.......

FOOD!!!! PROPER DIET AND NUTRITION, its the best thing going! And last i checked it was legal too!!!!!

lifttillidie: i plan on trying that later, i'll see if it works and post a pic lol/.

DougoeFre5h: Thanks alot bro, i've been around awhile but im finally making it to stage... as compared to my best previous condition, i've really tried to complete the package, i've added width and thickness to my back and brought my legs up to par. Everything else is about the same. In the off season i will balance out my chest and calves to the rest of my physique and bring a devestating package to the stage next year. Thanks again for the support. It makes me feel good when a vet. remembers me and has positive things to add, very motivating.
Hi there everybody thought i would give an update since i haven't posted in a while,

3 DAYS OUT! Today is my last depletion workout to polish off that glycogen. Carb depletion is going well my brain has all but shut off, very cloudy and hard to think but im still getting by.

Everything seems to be spot on, im sub 4% bf, water is falling off nicely so far.

Weighed in this morning at 177lb cut off weight for my division is at 176.25 so i should have no problem hitting that by friday night.

I'm nervous and excited with anticipation, just gotta be patient now and let my body do the rest.

Thanks for all the support. I'll update with Results and pics Saturday.
Weighed in!:

Cut off for Novice lightweight 176.25

My weight: 176.00 haha, damn that was close lol. I let out a loud woohoo.

I doubt anybody will get closer than that, already started my carb up, feeling good about it, saw some of my competition, i think its going to come down to a battle of conditioning.
romgaroharfhehfor... hold on let me take the candy bar out of my mouth. lol Aight guys got some results... no photos yet though.

I got second in my division.... lost it by 1 point! grrr it was a dead heat with the winner, i had better conditioning but he had a better developed chest which i was lacking. Anyways lotta jibba jabba about it, the head judge said he was shocked to see i didn't win and that he had me in first too... He said the only thing that he thought it could have been was that some of my poses needed some slight tweeking which, he himself is going to work with me on to achieve exactly what the judges are looking for.

For me that helped ease the pain a little to know that it wasn't my physique or conditioning that lost it but something that i could easily change for an improvement. All in all it comes down to the judges, all i can do is present myself the best way possible and let them decide, and in this case i just needed to convince 1 more judge i was the best and it didn't happen. Live, Learn, Improve.

But not to discredit the winner he did a great job and i told him i would rather lose a close one to a great athlete than come in and blow everyone out of the water. So mad props to the guy, I'll take my 2nd place and the motivation that comes with it into my next comp this weekend and try to improve on my weak points.

I am a little disappointed but only because i set myself up to be, this is the only competition that i went into expecting to win. Now that its behind me i am proud of what i accomplished, my conditioning and what i have learned that i will take into the next comps. More good things to come im sure. All i can do is control the controlables and let the judges take care of the rest.

Oh and i got to meet the CHICSTER!!!!! mwahahahaha


by far the coolest bodybuilder i ever met, excellent spokesman and rollmodel for the sport. Thanks for taking the time to chat with me Bob it really meant alot.