Ventroglutes (and 25 characters for my title)

Looks low to me too.

You should be half way between where your femur (upper leg bone) attaches to the hip bone and the upper rim of the hip bone itself. There you also have little chance of hitting a nerve.

Also pay attention not to go to far forward or you'll hit the tensor fascia latae.

I find this image the easiest. On this you wanna jab the Glute Medius...

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Looks low to me too.

You should be half way between where your femur (upper leg bone) attaches to the hip bone and the upper rim of the hip bone itself. There you also have little chance of hitting a nerve.

Also pay attention not to go to far forward or you'll hit the tensor fascia latae.

I find this image the easiest. On this you wanna jab the Glute Medius...

View attachment 554530

I can confirm. Thought I'd try a little more forward Friday cuz maybe I was doing it wrong.
Felt like I tried to block a Zedeno Chara slapshot all weekend!
I've had the same question about finding the spot for injecting into your ventroglute. I've decided to just have my doc or nurse show me where it is the next time I go in for a visit.

It seems like the photos are close, but I don't think it is an injection site that is used much, at least guys I know. Hell the first time is trial and error. Whats the worst that could happen? You could be hobbled for a week.
It seems like the photos are close, but I don't think it is an injection site that is used much, at least guys I know. Hell the first time is trial and error. Whats the worst that could happen? You could be hobbled for a week.

VG is one of my favorites spots to pin now!
As I said I did Ventro a couple times and missed it once so no go. I went ahead today and found the spot on my right ( right handed) and pinned. Smooooooth, no pain and no blood.

I did the left side and I am just a klutz left handed. I think I was off a little. It stung and bled a little. Now as I expressed in my thread "General Injection information for Newbies" I didn't like doing my left side. I just don't like it so I'll do the right and all the other sites I do. Why should I care about that one side. Huh ? I don't so I move on. That's how old mikey does it................. :)