Very first signs of using HGH


New member

3 days ago I started injecting omnitrope HGH, 2IU daily. Which are the very first signs (if any) I must notice at this dosage?

I get the dreams! Hell I thought I was the only one!
It took about a month at 4ius before i started to see results
Isn't gh supposed to give you rejuvenating effects? I'm thinking about running it and want the anti aging and fat loss effects
2IU is worthless unless you are a really old man and looking to slightly increase GH.

You really need 6-8 IU's of serostim or riptropin, or hyges to make HGH use worthwhile. Oh and you must take this every single day of the week for 6months to a year. 2-3IU is extremely pointless
when i have the money I'm gonna go for 10iu for atleast a year, everything ive read it seems the magic happens at that point
I'm very interested into adding HGH into my test/tren/var cycle, anyone ever hear of someone adding hgh to that?