Very high Blood pressure! What should I do?


New member
I've been injecting Test E for 2 weeks now and sart my next week tomorrow. I've notcied headaches and intraoccular pressure. I took my B/P today and it was 200/90!!
Is this normal on a cycle? Haven't had it happen before and am wondering what I can do to fix this?
How is this possible from just test?

Why aren't you at the hospital yet.

I assume you are familiar with how testosterone aromatizes into estrogen. That is likely your answer for why your BP is about to give you a stroke and blow out an kidney!
I've been taking adex and I have no clue how it would've gotten this out of hand... I can't go to the hospital
Does this mean I should never cycle again? Is there something I did wrong and I could've prevented it?
Can someone tell me exactly how this happened?

It could be unrelated to your cycle.

You adex could be bunk or underdosed.

You may not be taking enough. You haven't even told us how much of everything you are taking.

What is your age, height, weight and body fat %?
27yo 6'3" 230 16%
500mg test e/wk
.25eod adex
500ius hCG/wk

That's what I've taken so far... Was going to add other compounds but now I'm certainly not
So I know, stupid question, but deff don't take my test tomorrow...

If your using a UGL,, your test could have toxins in it that caused this problem in the first place and possibly why it happened so suddenly (u injected something some dude made in his dirty basement possibly) Why risk it. Or you may have pre existing issues
Y can't u go to the ER? Car not working ? Legs broke? If u insist on being retarted, double your AI dose for 3-4 days see if that helps. High BP is not a joke. People die from bp that high all the time.
Recheck your blood pressure because your results are either wrong or right.
Either way go see a Dr. if you're concerned about your health.
I've been injecting Test E for 2 weeks now and sart my next week tomorrow. I've notcied headaches and intraoccular pressure. I took my B/P today and it was 200/90!!
Is this normal on a cycle? Haven't had it happen before and am wondering what I can do to fix this?

Check it again at the very least if over 180 get help. It could be a machine error. Check fast and go that shit is no joke buddy.