Very high Blood pressure! What should I do?

Like megatron said. You might have bunk/underdosed AI or you aren't taking enough. Estradiol increases water retention in the body. The extra fluid volume in your blood increases intravascular pressure. This pressure can cause irreversable damage to the fine capillaries in the eyes, kidneys, brain etc. High BP can lead to vision problems and kidney failure to start. Not to mentioned erectile dysfunction. An acute hypertensive crisis will should not cause any permanent damage, but chronic high BP will damage your body.
Took my blood pressure again today 134/84 (normal for me)... Not sure what is going on???

Could have been a machine error. Did you take it yourself at home or at a pharmacy or what? Using the right size cuff is also important in getting an accurate reading. Is your arm bigger than 16 inches? Usually that is as big as a normal size cuff will accurately read.
I work at the fire department and had someone from my crew take it manually Multiple times reading at 190 systolic plus, I know how dangerous this can be as I am a paramedic as well. I was just uncertain exactly what was causing it. I took .5 of adex last night and have been fine since. I continue to take my BP every our now.
Honestly Megatron I think he's full of shit. That's a serious matter that anyone would take seriously, gear or no gear, and to do nothing about it and just wait it out is both wreckless and idiotic
made me laugh so id decided to post it up. looking at it just makes me lol

Man sometimes it makes me laugh other times it gives me the willies. I think Freddy Kruger has met his match with this lady, or better said..... person Lol.
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I would go to the hospital asap get blood work your adex could be under dosed over dosed our bunk like mega said. I'm very sensitive to everything and my bp is easily effected and I'm on around 400mg test and my bp has not changed at all.
I know it was a serious matter. I see diff problems in people everyday. I knew exactly how to bring it back within normal limits so I was just curious as to what the problem was that was causing it. I didn't mean to make myself look stupid which I probably did but I was trying to get info.

I would go to the hospital asap get blood work your adex could be under dosed over dosed our bunk like mega said. I'm very sensitive to everything and my bp is easily effected and I'm on around 400mg test and my bp has not changed at all.

What do you take as an AI and mg/day or eod?
If you go to the hospital and tell them the truth they will just say "dont do steroids." Thats it, theyll just tell u to stop. With that said, My BP went up over the years (from using test only)...Recently I got on blood pressure meds, now its no big deal. So I'd make an appointment with the regular Dr and he'll perscribe you some meds its simpe. Obviously dont say anything about the juice if u go...:o