Very low blood pressure after HGH injection?!

Lumps at injection sites are usually associated with insulin or glucose-reactive drugs, and are completely normal. It's called hyperlipotrophy, and is basically a small fat deposit that just takes time to be reabsorbed by the body. They're usually harder bumps that aren't sensitive to the touch.

If you're talking about just having abdominal fat remaining, that too is normal, as it's unfortunately the last place we men store body fat in large quantities. I have visible veins in my chest and shoulders, yet my lower abs are still washed out for example. It sucks if this is the case, but fixable.

Yes I get these lumps and they're not sensitive but I feel like I'm swollen on my stomach, the texture and hardness makes me think it's swelling, my stomach is the only part that doesn't look better compared to say 2 months ago and I'm thinking it's connected to the constant pinning there. Is that possible?