Very mild cycle input wanted

Bringing this back from the dead.

About 3 weeks ago I decied to give a low dose of tren a try along with my usual testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to see if it would help with recovery and add a little strength/endurance.

I decided to start out slow and added 25mg of test prop and tren ace every day for a total of 175mg test prop, 175 tren ace, and 200mg a week test cyp per week along with 6.25 mg of aromasin EOD. The prop and tren are a blend so I couldn't use one without the other.

All seemed to be going ok until a couple of days ago when suddenly libido dropped off the face of the earth and little Nate decided he wasn;t interested in anythig other than hanging around. WTF?

I have some prami on hand but can't imagine that low of a dose of tren drove my progesterone up very high.

Anyone have any idea what the hell might be going on?
Well if everything you say is spot on, then I would have to think this...

You have increased the amount of test in your body, not by very much, but still after you take into acount that you also added tren it may make a difference. Tren targets the same receptors that test does, tren has an easier time binding to these receptors too. As you can imagine you have more free test available in your system with is going to aromatize into estro and THIS may be causing your libido issues.

This is all speculation on my part, but I would suggest upping the aromasin to 12.5mg ED for a week and see if this helps. Let us know if it works and guys if anyone else has some ideas lets help this man out!
Well if everything you say is spot on, then I would have to think this...

You have increased the amount of test in your body, not by very much, but still after you take into acount that you also added tren it may make a difference. Tren targets the same receptors that test does, tren has an easier time binding to these receptors too. As you can imagine you have more free test available in your system with is going to aromatize into estro and THIS may be causing your libido issues.

This is all speculation on my part, but I would suggest upping the aromasin to 12.5mg ED for a week and see if this helps. Let us know if it works and guys if anyone else has some ideas lets help this man out!

Thank for the input, man. This does seem possible. I'll try to bump the aromasin from eod to ed to see if that makes a difference.
aromasin should be ran ED not EOD

Not for everyone. This has been gone over many times and the vets agree that it needs to be run how it works for you.

For example on my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test (200mg a week) I crash my estro if I run it ED, so for me (and a number of others here) EOD dosing is the better choice.