Viagra/Cialis Advice please.


New member
I just received my cycle and it came with 5 free cialis and 10 free viagra. I've tried to do some research around the net but if its not different opinions that Im reading, its people just joking with each other. Will I get a raging boner if i take it before a workout? If so, whats the point of taking it if you cant even walk around in public? How much of the pill should i take? Could someone please help me out or post a link that would answer my questions? Thanks in advance!
Not sure what you wanna know? Cialis i like better last a couple days no side effects for me.

V gives me headaches high bp or at least feels like it hot face. You have to take it an hour before use and last a few hours.

C is great especially if you go on a date not positive your gonna hit it you can just be ready even if you took it early that morning or day before.

20mg of either should be nore than enough
Tried viagra once, didn't care for it. Been taking cialis for 2 years (I think?), and LOVE the stuff. It doesn't make your dick instantly hard, it just makes it so when you do; you can punch holes in walls with your dong. ;)

My .02c :)
Maybe I should be more specific. I'm 27, no ED, obviously, I was just wondering how it can be used for bodybuilding.
Maybe I should be more specific. I'm 27, no ED, obviously, I was just wondering how it can be used for bodybuilding.

I think the link to Austinite's write-up is in the stickies. PDE5 inhibitors are excellent vasodilators, which cialis has in spades. This means excellent pumps and improved vascularity. It also (due to being a vasodilator) lowers blood pressure a few points, which is more than handy as AAS tends to increase bp - even when estradiol is in check.
Information about Viagra

Generic Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate which belongs to a class of medications called phosphodiesterase inhibitors, which work by increasing blood flow to the penis.

For more information about products visit Generic Medicines Site.
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