Vince McMan??? REAL SPORTS


YoU MaKeM i BrAkEm
Hey what up fellaz , Listen i was watching Real Sports last night W/Bryant Gumbell. When real sports interviewed Vince McMAn of the WWF or whatever he owns these days . Why did he get so defensive when they asked the question of y don't the majority of the people that wrestle for you not live to see AGE 45. Why do you guys think that is, I was thinking of it all last night . Do you think it had to do with steroids? Partying to hard ? I have no idea i would like to know opinions on what u guys think . Thanks for your time
They do things that Eddie Guerrero did I suppose.

I'm not really into wrestling anymore; its all wayyy too fake for my taste.
Yeah i hear u bro i don't watch it either . It was just Interesting when i saw it on real sports. There's something up . But i have no clue wtf it is
i think it has to do with the mass amount of drugs they use, lack of sleep, partying ,physical abuse of the name it they probably done all takes a toll on the body
Like the others have said above, it is the combination of unhealthy habits that are most likely to blame. Some guys get out alright, but others do not. It's all about the choices that you make and how well you are able to take care of yourself.
Thanks guys . It just made me wonder at the time . So i had to get it off the chest . peace
last time I checked football was the same way tons of steroids and partying also with thier expensive cars, homes, etc...Its just that they get paid more/year so they can retire faster than wrestlers can. A wrestler probably has to do 20 years to get as much as a pro football player who does only 5 years salary wise.
They are in my opinion the best atheletes that don't play as sport!!
Shit they do & put their body through is amazing and they deserve SO MUCH more money!!
drk_diggler said:
wrestling is so ghey..
The only thing fake is the outcome is what I think he means,same reason why I think it is not a real sport.
Nothing fake about getting your head slammed!!
These guys are tough!!!!
Well the the most they earn is 70,000 grand from what I've read so yah they make more than ur avg american the ones that do earn some sort of tv time. But if i was a big time player the only way i would do house shows would be if i didnt have a title or something because yah having that title even though yah its fake puts so much more stress. Interviews and all you'll lose sleep which just that alone can take years off ur life so like you guys said earlier its a number of things and plus a lot of the wrestlers that do die of early age... its demons look at there life maybe besides Curt Henning they said they dont think he'd turn to drugs but died of a coke od. But wrestling sux because of no competition.
The One & Only said:
Fuck it is amazing how fucking stupid the majority of people on here are. Try getting in a fucking WWE ring and train with them for a few hours than come on here and fucking tell me how fucking fake it is! We put our fucking bodies on the fucking line day in and day out for the fans and there are dumb clueless losers that post on here that will never acomplish anything in their lives. STEROIDS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM DYING YOUNG! It is most likely living on the road doing rec drugs and pain killers that get them. Seriously to all you fucking losers who say it is fake try getting in the ring with one of them and see how fucking fake it is. I am done here, now I know why I quit reading these fucking boards cause of all the fucking retards on them.

You aren't mad at me are you :nonono2: :sadwavey:
The One & Only said:
Fuck it is amazing how fucking stupid the majority of people on here are. Try getting in a fucking WWE ring and train with them for a few hours than come on here and fucking tell me how fucking fake it is! We put our fucking bodies on the fucking line day in and day out for the fans and there are dumb clueless losers that post on here that will never acomplish anything in their lives. STEROIDS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM DYING YOUNG! It is most likely living on the road doing rec drugs and pain killers that get them. Seriously to all you fucking losers who say it is fake try getting in the ring with one of them and see how fucking fake it is. I am done here, now I know why I quit reading these fucking boards cause of all the fucking retards on them.
LOL, do you mean like the "vicious!" chops to the "throat?" Or the throw the guys into the turnbuckle, or the off the ropes swing and miss? There's no doubt there is a ton of athleticism involved, lots of skill and lots of physical punishment, but to say there isn't a ton of fake shit mixed in is simply moronic. When's the last time you beat someone down with a chair, and they just so happened to not only will themselves back to consciousness, but then bodyslam someone and win a "wrestling" match?
parrish said:
The only thing fake is the outcome is what I think he means,same reason why I think it is not a real sport.
Nothing fake about getting your head slammed!!
These guys are tough!!!!

So the whole thing isnt acting? You mean they really punch eachother in the face? As far as calling them tough as in they are dumb enough to jump 6 feet in the air and land on there back then ok.... As far as calling them tough as in they can kick some ass? Few and far between... Most of the guys cant fight there way out of a wet paper bag.....