Virgin Juicer in need of advice


5'10 , 75Kg, 22yr
Right guys Im Jay, im 22 , 5'10, 76 Kg with about 16.8 % bf ive taken winstrol before but in tablet form but i wasnt feeling it after a while i could really feel it in my kidney area and didnt feel good when i was running only made little gains with that

However I've now moved on to Tren and Test prop in the same needle so 2ml M/W/F i took the first inj in the glute but i did 1 ml a time in dif cheeks more fool me then my second one in my quad both tren and test in same needle so 2 ml all to gether and GEEZZ do it hurt could hardly walk on the thing i had to tell every body at work i injured myself doing MMA , pain was immense and lasted so far around 3 1/2 days

im wanting to put on size aswell as getting ripped up , i have a decent diet and I'm not drinking or smoking while using. Im in need of guidence to get mass gains and whats this pain all about

ive view quite alot of the post so far and im more than happy you guys will look right after me, ill get some before and after pics put up as soon as i start seeing some gains

thanks again

better to die on your feet , than live on your knees
Hey man;
IMO you are too young to start juicing. You should be in your prime interms of producing natty test. To bulk at your age you really only need lots of good nutrition and hard work in the gym.

Having said that - seems like you have started so here is what I would say. Test P and Tren would not be my best 1st choice for a cycle. ( A better 1st cycle would be Test E or C.) Be prepared for some crazy changes in your metabolism - you will likely get night sweats, etc. you will lower BF with that cycle, I would def add in some HIIT cardio to make it as efficient as possible in burning BF.
You are likely going to shut down your natty production of test so make sure you have your PCT on hand early. And i would recommend an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and HCG for the boys.

BTW oral Winstrol (winny) is a TERRIBLE first cycle.

Not to sound harsh - but it doesn't seem like you did much research before you started this. Take care of your nuts if you ever want to have children, buddy.