wanting some advice for Sarms( LGD 4033 )

Is not the bottles of MK-2866 at SarmsSearch 25mg/ml?

If so then you will need 4 bottles of MK-2866 to run it 60 days at 50mg a day.

Is that what you are doing?

Also, why are you running it at 50mg per day when the recommended dose is 25mg per day?

No those calculations are based off 25mg a day of MK ,bottle says 30ml 50mg/ml, so is that 60 servings at 25mg a day?
50 mg/30 ml hmmm were did u get the mk from the last time i had osta i was having 1 ml a day i cant rember mg/ml and i dont have the bottles to check for you but im dosing my lgd ml a day in the morning 10 mg -1ml so . Also throw in some extra creatine into your diet when your taking osta the 2 go well together and i ran osta for 10 weeks with ghrp2 and cjc and didn't have any problems awesome strength gains and good sense of Wellbeing let us no how you go brother
That was ment to say dosing my lgd at 1 ml a day 1ml a day -10 mg of lgd per dose 30 ml bottles 30 days at 1 ml a day
No those calculations are based off 25mg a day of MK ,bottle says 30ml 50mg/ml, so is that 60 servings at 25mg a day?
rec dose is max 25 per day- if the bottle reads 50 mg- and you take .5 ml that should be 25 for each day- 1 bottle should last you 60 days- if you do the full 50 per day then the bottle will last 30 days
I thought it was funny - reminded me of kids constantly asking "are we there yet?". I did, however, find the perfect answer to that question when my daughter was young...I answered "yes". She then thought about it and said "no we are not", to which I answered "if you knew, why did you ask?". She thought some more and then asked "how long till we get there?". I would then give her my best estimate. :)

I always tried to train her to ask the question she actually wants answered.
a little recap , i will be taking mk 2866 for an 8 week cycle at 25mg a day, question what time of the day is best? and also, i will be grabbing some nolva and clomid for pct and possibly run the clomid while i do the 8 weeks of mk 2866?? Any extra advice on this would be much appreciated!
The Osta, you can take the dose once per day. When I took it, I just took it upon waking to get into a good routine.
In case you do not know, Ostarine is MK-2866. Andarine is S4. Due to their similar names, many people confuse them.
Yes both. LGD is highly suppressive unlike most other sarms which are typically only mildly suppressive. LGD has the potential to shut you down completely. I'd recommend a full PCT of clomid and nolva like you said. Start the day after you stop the cycle and run it:

Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 50/50/50/50

how long do i run pct after my 8 week MK-2866? and should i run the clomid 50mg a day during the 8 weks of mk 2866?? and im not sure how this is read Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Each number means the mg per day that week. So Nolva 40/40/20/20 means 1st and 2nd week 40mg/day, and then 2 more weeks at 20mg/day. Clomid 50/50/50/50 means 4 weeks at 50mg/day throughout. Your PCT would run for 4 weeks.
Each number means the mg per day that week. So Nolva 40/40/20/20 means 1st and 2nd week 40mg/day, and then 2 more weeks at 20mg/day. Clomid 50/50/50/50 means 4 weeks at 50mg/day throughout. Your PCT would run for 4 weeks.

Thank you sir, what do you think about the Clomid ran the whole time ?