wanting some advice for Sarms( LGD 4033 )

Ldg 4033

wanting to run LGD 4033, i have never taken anything like this , ive read and read and read about them for awhile now, but from what i know, when taking lgd i want to use a PCT, im not 100% sure which one id take or how to use a PCT for sure :/ research is hard when one says this and the other says that, and my knowledge is low so it can become confusing. so my question for the mean time , what would be a good PCT and how would i use it? i want to be safe as can be while doing this. Any advice is much appreciated.

my other option would be MK-2866 with some s4 on the side? let me no what you guys think

What i do first is with any thing i buy from sites AS THERE IS A LOT OF rubbish OUT THERE IS TO try the gear first and wait for sides dbol sides are everdent but others are somewhat masked i also have a doctor on hand so if test goes up and nips go down then you stick to that site. i also know that the arimidex and tfen or clo he gives is real NO POINT IN GETTING CRAP AND NOT KNOWING IF THE STUFF IS REAL OF THE OTHER IS FAKE! GET A TEST BASE TO GO BACK TO!
What i do first is with any thing i buy from sites AS THERE IS A LOT OF rubbish OUT THERE IS TO try the gear first and wait for sides dbol sides are everdent but others are somewhat masked i also have a doctor on hand so if test goes up and nips go down then you stick to that site. i also know that the arimidex and tfen or clo he gives is real NO POINT IN GETTING CRAP AND NOT KNOWING IF THE STUFF IS REAL OF THE OTHER IS FAKE! GET A TEST BASE TO GO BACK TO!

Going to try mk2866 first i believe , sarms are my only option.