wanting start a lower dose cycle or looking into staying on low diose


New member
Hey guys, im wanting to start a lower dose cycle for the reason that the previous higher 600-750 test E cycles thickened my blood so what im looking at doing is I have a buddy has a lot of test E 450 so I was
thinking of doing like .5 cc twice a week (450) a week for bout 12 weeks and after maybe staying on low dose for while .5 cc as im almost 40 and I can tell my natural test is declining any way . I have done few
cycles of test E and recovered fine with nolva and clomid for pct been off last cycle for bout 3mths now . my main concern If start this cycle as stated above will I be ok with jus test E 450 total a week, or should
I run anything with it? be easy on me guys im new at all this. I would appreciate ur advice..
Even a low dose will increase hematocrit; it's a fact of life for us on TRT, and easily remedied. You simply donate blood. ;)

If you're worried about declining test levels, get checked out by a doctor. Having a script makes life much easier in the long run.

My .02c :)
If you've ran test only cycles before,, why not add in another compound this time. You already know how you react to test,, and you can add in another compound and keep your test dosage low like your saying, you could run it at just 200 mg a week.. while the other compound(s) do it's job.

Kick it off with dbol or Tbol and run it along with Masteron or Primo at 600-800 mg a week
I jus sorda miss the way I felt while on cycle , I had energy felt better stayed hornry as hell and could have sex 5 times a day (miss that) and seems results is hard to get working out 4 days a week hard. I didn't go at it that much or this tough as I have lately and tough to get results I want . I want to start back soon jus want to do whats best and safest way. im all ears guys thanks for all ur help keep it coming..
I jus sorda miss the way I felt while on cycle , I had energy felt better stayed hornry as hell and could have sex 5 times a day (miss that) and seems results is hard to get working out 4 days a week hard. I didn't go at it that much or this tough as I have lately and tough to get results I want . I want to start back soon jus want to do whats best and safest way. im all ears guys thanks for all ur help keep it coming..

Spend 50 bucks on the female hormone panel from privatemdlabs.com. That will give you a great idea as to what's going on, and possibly help you know if something needs fixing.
I guess my main concern is if I do another cycle of 450 a week is it nessessary to run a AI? I want to do whats best but damn you can talk to 5 people and all five tell u something diff, whats right or best ? I jus want to pick up some results in gym and feel a lil better and get sex drive up more so what should I do? test E 450 is what I have and plan on 12 weeks and pct with clomid and nolva
I guess my main concern is if I do another cycle of 450 a week is it nessessary to run a AI? I want to do whats best but damn you can talk to 5 people and all five tell u something diff, whats right or best ? I jus want to pick up some results in gym and feel a lil better and get sex drive up more so what should I do? test E 450 is what I have and plan on 12 weeks and pct with clomid and nolva

If you're feeling like shit, spend the fifty bucks to KNOW if it's hormone related.

With regards to an AI, let me put it this way: estradiol is a carcinogenic substance in high amounts. It impacts multiple systems at once; and not only can cause gyno, but mess with blood pressure, your prostate, your mental state, and even influence how your body absorbs nutrients. *Some* estradiol is needed, but too much can wreck havoc. There are countless studies on this, which a simple Google search can provide.

I'll let you decide, but I know I like to do things responsibly and with my health in mind.

My .02c :)
I want to do whats best but damn you can talk to 5 people and all five tell u something diff, whats right or best ? I jus want to pick up some results in gym and feel a lil better and get sex drive up more so what should I do? test E 450 is what I have and plan on 12 weeks and pct with clomid and nolva
It's possible that guys tell you different things and all are right because different men react differently to the same inputs.

Stick with your plan. Work with your physician on monitoring your health. And after the 12 weeks evaluate and decide what's best for you.

My personal view, and you may already well, well know this, but just saying: many guys go way too fast and overboard with BB drugs. Start low, go slow, maintain the best possible diet and exercise program, and take it one step at a time.

NOTE) -- I receive physician-prescribed test cypionate, and blood thickening is precisely the adverse reaction I have, and the only one. Several guys on here have suggested giving blood as a way to address that, will definitely research that and discuss with my physician.
I agree Halfwit with wanting to make the best most responsible health move, with that said could u plz advise me on ur best way to cycle this test e 450 the way im wanting to ? id like to do 450 total a week like 225 twice a week and do it the most safest recovering way. also I am sorda new on this site along with cycling gear but ive tried to PM you but want let me for some reason if you could tell me or PM me plz id appreciate it. thanks alot
Agreed with others. Buddy. Go get tested and get a script . I have to donate blood every 3 months or my levels get way to high. It's a fact adding test into your body increases your blood. I think lat
Time mine was at 57% . Also, I wouldn't add anything until you get tested . Don't mess around

can someone plz give me some advice on this test e 450 cycle? my question is about hcg and AI I didn't run nothe but a 12 week cycle of test only last time and took while to recover but I did on jus test e 300 twice week but ive read where hcg is a must during cycle but don't know damn thing bout it or where get it? is it oral or pin? and really nessessary ? last question should I run arimidex on cycle ? and the best way to put together this cycle. ur help will b very much appreciated
can someone plz give me some advice on this test e 450 cycle? my question is about hcg and AI I didn't run nothe but a 12 week cycle of test only last time and took while to recover but I did on jus test e 300 twice week but ive read where hcg is a must during cycle but don't know damn thing bout it or where get it? is it oral or pin? and really nessessary ? last question should I run arimidex on cycle ? and the best way to put together this cycle. ur help will b very much appreciated

Hcg is recommended while on cycle but not necessary. It keeps your balls active so that you don't experience testicular atrophy and makes coming off of a cycle easier as your balls are already active. Its injected sub-q not taken orally. Id definitely recommend it. Do a search on here and you'll find plenty of info on it. And yes you need to be taking some sort of aromatase inhibitor to control estradiol while on cycle. This will mitigate many of the side effects associated with high doses of test and will keep your estradiol in check. Generally people use aromasin(exemestane) or adex(arimidex). Dosage depends on amount of test and if you're prone to aromatization. With that said, you need to put any plans to run a cycle on the back burner for a while and do some research. I haven't even scratched the surface on how to properly run a cycle. I know its tempting to jump right back on but you need to do some more research before going on cycle again. This site is a great tool and you can learn a lot just going through old threads. Go through some of the stickies to get started, learn as much as you can, then start asking questions, looking at others experiences and figure out how to properly run your next cycle if you insist on it.

Now, go get bloodwork done so you know exactly whats going on. This will give you a baseline before you start playing with your hormones again and will indicate if there is anything you need to be concerned about.
hey thanks pretex really helpful I really like talk with u futher if you wouldn't mind can u PM on here? im new at this site not real sure how to do that but I have a lot question I really like get some light shed on . I really appreciate it....