Warning to those that are harrasing our members & trolling

Good post MrP. I dont see any need for flaming newbies even IF there first few posts seem stupid or ignorant. These people need to be pointed in the right direction thats why they came here. I remember when I got into the scene and into yhese forums a looooooong time ago I didnt HAVE a clue where to start or what to read or anything. So as far as making a new guy/girl feel stupid.....that shouldnt be tolerated at ALL.

What else shouldnt be tolerated is obvious trolls who come here, make a mockery of this site and lifestyle we live, call out members, give horrible unsafe advise to people and clog uo airspace with RIDICULOUS posts.

New people need to earn respect as its not given and no Troll should be allowed to just spew garbage all over the place just the same as someone whos been here a long time should not be allowed to disrespect whoever they want. Both those types of people shouldnt be here.
Good post MrP. I dont see any need for flaming newbies even IF there first few posts seem stupid or ignorant. These people need to be pointed in the right direction thats why they came here. I remember when I got into the scene and into yhese forums a looooooong time ago I didnt HAVE a clue where to start or what to read or anything. So as far as making a new guy/girl feel stupid.....that shouldnt be tolerated at ALL.

What else shouldnt be tolerated is obvious trolls who come here, make a mockery of this site and lifestyle we live, call out members, give horrible unsafe advise to people and clog uo airspace with RIDICULOUS posts.

New people need to earn respect as its not given and no Troll should be allowed to just spew garbage all over the place just the same as someone whos been here a long time should not be allowed to disrespect whoever they want. Both those types of people shouldnt be here.

I agree with you old timer ;)
Good to know. I also like how the mods here seem to have our (girls') backs too. Some guys can be stupid on threads started by females, runs them off. So it means a lot!

the admins on this forum mandate that we look out for our female members and make sure they are comfortable.. esp in the womens forum...

we like our ladies here.. we want to keep them.. its a fresh breath of air...

lets not pollute it
I don't know. I've seen shit go down and the higher ups jumped right on it. I've seen more shit go down and almost a pat on the back was given. To say that staff was busy isn't exactly accurate. Not when theyre posting in the polluted threads as well. It got real bad real quick a few weeks ago. I think with the way it was handled, people loosened up a lil bit. It wasnt like that when i first signed up.
I don't think its a coincidence those 'two' same accounts keep showing up and talking to each other... especially always on troll threads and 10yr old bumps. They seem to like mentioning Ojand a lot too.

I've been watching a couple of the ' noobs ' and it seems to me there is an asshole creating multiple accounts trolling these boards quite a bit..

maybe more than one asshole

same speech patterns , basically the same questions and situations repackaged over and over again trying to get members here to be salty, so the troll can pretend to be offended/ insulted by the ''poor behavior and lack of manners'' by members here.

the problem is that this annoying shit taints the wholes boards attitudes towards new members with what seems to be the same redundant fucked up dumb questions..

id say err on the side of being polite to the stupid prick.. just don't get frustrated and end up feeding the troll/trolls..

if you think someone is fishing for a knee jerk reaction or emotional response - just ignore that fucking idiot
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Completely agreed. I have to say I'm sorry if I've been rude to any actual noobs because of this whole thing. It's just getting really frustrating, and probably easy to assume noobs are also this guy.

Bit of a slap in the face trolling the thread warning the trolls though lol....

Anyhow, as you said it's annoying but I'm gonna take your advice and just ignore it... your right Charles, best thing we can do.
its been pretty obvious lately..

if this idiot has such an empty life that THIS is what they do for fun? fuck man, there isn't much in the way of insults or hard words anybody has to put out there to make this miserable asshat suffer anyway.

their life is obviously a fucking joke.

yeah i said it, i watch you post over and over again - and really?

you're pathetic, here is some 'noob advice' - try going outside, going to a gym, talking to a girl , finding a job..

you wouldn't have the time or desire to fuck with this place if you do those things.

and truth is - everybody here that goes out of their way and offers advice or information to you - simply out of concern or compassion - just goes to show you there are good people here who want to help , who want to look out for people.. you aren't that clever - and it it really does highlight what a piece of shit you really are baiting people who just want to help others..

ill be extra helpful and nice to every noob post i come across.

just to make that point over and over again. have a nice day
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I was out for a bit and the last 48...well ...if that one thread about an 18 yr old was indicative of what was going down while I was MIA w illness then NYC 2 w my kid well....Thor will drop the Hammer for sure.

I like helping those who TRY to help themselves. I think all in all we are all doing well; I love the " damsel in distress scenario Mrs P; the young punk trolls grate whats left of my frayed nerves.

I will ALWAYS defer a ban to another mod as some days THE GERMAN s feet hit s the floor and he s hard to check lol.

Everyone who posted here is like family to me.

P u and Chuck need to "talk"; u both excel at beating on people in the REAL WORLD. Seriously.

Mrs.P------Respectful Salutations and I hope them lil p s are gtg !