Water retention on my 1st cycle

If I only wanted togain 15 lbs in 3 months I can do it with my diet and would much rather do that then stick needles in my ass anyways.

WHOA man you really dont know anything about steorids, they are NOT magic beans/pills

if YOU can gain 15lb in 3 months of muscle then WHY the fuck are you using steroids. most can put this on, maybe a couple lbs in 3 months. withotu AAS.
I really think your confusing water retention for muscle.

look evene with this cycle be happy to keep 10lb of mucle after cycle and pct....
if you wont be happy with that then just stop now.
this a years and years kinda thing to build apon. if you think 2 or 3 cycles is going to put you into 230lb your dreaming.

sorry to break it to you.

a 12-14week cycle you shoudl be happey with 10-15lb gains by the end of it all over time be happy with 6-8 lb in 3 months.

also a "going big or go home" kind of attitude IS NOT how steroids should be used, or you wont be very healthy for very long.
its acually a very stupid way to trhink of cycling.

take it SLOW and build.
if you dont have 5-8 years to dedicate to this then dotn bother. if anyhtign ti shoudl be a life style and be most of your lifew, NVM 5-8 years.
thats how those "BIG ASS GUYS" get so big.
it takes WAY mor ethen a few cycles or years.
both, start them both now
run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) asap
deca will shut you down from day 1
studies have shown that over a 12 week period, you can lose up to 98% of your leydig cells(which produce test) without hcg

so when you start your nolva/clomid, your capacity to produce test is greatly diminished
run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as it produces more estro than test

run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) up until 5 days prior to the start of pct

all it will do is mimick the LH and keep them balls big, but when you stop Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) your JUST as shut down.]
The diff is they have been more active with "fake LH , ina way" so recovery should be faster.
test will shut you down.
for eg.
im on hrt, so I am shut down..... so what?

aslong as your using test in your cycle it dont really matter in my op because its going to happen regardless if you use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or not.

my point is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is NOT a must. the nolva or clomid is the main thing.

for longer cycles of 14+ weeks i would rec Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to more. but not a must.
unless you a model and need big ballz for photo shoots lol. :-)
good advice.
personally i dont see why the concerns about water/bloat prevail.
embrace it. you're bulking, trying to add mass. estro will help with that.

yes but is can cause health issues man, like high blood pressure ect.
I dont mind some bloat when bulking , but its good to have the tools ON HAND to control it if needed be.
thats all. :-)
all it will do is mimick the LH and keep them balls big, but when you stop Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) your JUST as shut down.]
The diff is they have been more active with "fake LH , ina way" so recovery should be faster.
test will shut you down.
for eg.
im on hrt, so I am shut down..... so what?

aslong as your using test in your cycle it dont really matter in my op because its going to happen regardless if you use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or not.

my point is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is NOT a must. the nolva or clomid is the main thing.

for longer cycles of 14+ weeks i would rec Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to more. but not a must.
unless you a model and need big ballz for photo shoots lol. :-)

hcg mimicks LH. are you sayin this is not true
and if its not true, why would dr scally put it into his protocl of bringing users back to baseline levels?

to be fair, your on hrt, why would u even consider doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as your not coming off. for the avg guy doing a cycle and coming off, i dont see the downside in hcg

i see it like breaking your leg
of course your leg will atrophy over time because your not using it
or stimulating the muscles
lets say they have a new electrode system that will stimulate your muscles(hcg)while your in a cast, which prevents atrophy, and makes for easier recovery when your healed up(post pct)
studies have shown 100mgs of deca causes a complete hpta shutdown from day 1

whats the down side of addig Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with an AI?
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no ai? did you do any research or just start popping and pinning? Hope you dont have to shop for a bra soon!

Most of my research has been concentrating on pct.
I'm learning a lot though,and want to be 110% informed before starting any cycle.

I'm glad you're happy with your progress
And good luck for the future.
Most of my research has been concentrating on pct.

same here
some of the most knowledgable poster here(det oak) and other boards both reference dr michel scally

its the same basic protocol repeated on the forums
hcg 250iu 2x week staring immediately for deca and tren, 2-3 weeks for test only
run throughout up until 5 days prior to pct(aprox 2-3 weeks after last test shot)
run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), like aromasin, throughout and up until pct
clomid/nolva pct for 4-5 weeks
hcg mimicks LH. are you sayin this is not true
Thats my point it MIMICKS LH, it dosent MAKE it, your still shut down
and if its not true, why would dr scally put it into his protocl of bringing users back to baseline levels?
its good for help with a pct and to bring soem size back

to be fair, your on hrt, why would u even consider doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as your not coming off.
To keep some size and bigger loads, Ill run it 1 or 2 times a year for a month or 2.
for the avg guy doing a cycle and coming off, i dont see the downside in hcg
Desisitization, which can be for life.
thats why i usually rec it only for a few weeks at END of cycle.
research it you will see Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can fuck you up more then any cycle would without it.

i see it like breaking your leg
of course your leg will atrophy over time because your not using it
or stimulating the muscles
lets say they have a new electrode system that will stimulate your muscles(hcg)while your in a cast, which prevents atrophy, and makes for easier recovery when your healed up(post pct)
studies have shown 100mgs of deca causes a complete hpta shutdown from day 1
ok and you deal with that when you do a pct, yes Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can help PCT , but my point it not to run it too long, to high a dose or too often, as its MORE risky then the steroids itself. in my op.

whats the down side of addig Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with an AI?
Desinsitization in the balls long term.

Im in red above.
ohh also whenI wasnt on HRT i used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) only nearing end of cycle for a few weeks and it was good , without the added risk of being on it for a long time, then i just stopped PCT's and went on hrt.
If you read my posts, no where did I ever say ANYTHING about gaining it all in muscle. I'm bulking. I'm not expecting to keep everything. I appreciate ppl's input that have experience with gear as I do not. You guys know alot more then me regarding this. I've seen ALOT of conflicting opinions, not just on this site, but others too. Makes it slightly confusing for someone who is looking for info and wants to do a cycle correctly. Even if you read the responses to my original post there's conflicting opinions. One person says this, then the next says no way do it this way, ect. I did do research and read alot about these compounds before I even ordered them. I'm sure I could of done more reading, who couldn't. I looked at what the more experienced posters on here and other sites said as I do have friends that have cycled before and they didn't do any sort of post cycle therapy (pct) and just heard the word steriod and started shooting in their ass and I'm old enough and wise enough to know better. Anyways, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is on the way, I'm ordering Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) tmrw and starting both. As for everything else, my cycles going good, very happy with my results so far. Thank you guys again