Water retention problems need solved


New member
What can you do about excessive water retention? I incorporate at least 15m to 30m of cardio in all of my strength and lifting workouts and I also do just pure cardio workouts. I drink close to a half a gallon a day. Just trying to get it down
half a gallon of water is only 2 liters of water, i drink that alone during my morning workouts, you need to drink at least 1 gallon bro.

and please detail your cycle, what compounds? dosages?
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You aren't drinking enough water. Not even close. Not sure how you workout without water bro. Please give full stats and cycle info. There could be many different reasons for your problem.....Not the least of which is your lack of water intake
I agree with the above posters.

When you aren't Drinking enough Water, your Body will Fight to keep what you are Drinking.............................. JP
You need to drink more water but since you didn't post your cycle, there's no way of pinpointing anything. It's like saying yoir thumb hurt but we don't know if your pinching it or its in a vise all we can say is stop what ever you're doing to it lol.
from his past post he is doing a tesp p cycle, does not state if he is using an ai, so the issue may be there.
You are not getting aenough water 1 1/2 gallons a day is optimal.

If you are on cycle you also need an ai. If not you will turn into a water bag and you may never loose the moon face.
when you dont give your body the water it needs it goes into what i call a "hyper volume state"

since your body feels like its not getting enough water a day it trys to hold on to as much water as possible.. its an evolutionary survival mechanism..

given that youre not on cycle, if you take your water up to at least a gallon a day the issue should subside..

also remember that sodium makes you hold on to water
So op comes here and starts a great thread and then does not come back to get the assistance of the top dogs in the ology world. Hope op comes back!
Sorry for the late reply been crazy lately. I’ve had to revamp of my diet due to my sodium intake. And yea i fucked up on my 6 week cycle I didn’t use an AI. My last pin is tomorrow and I start pct Friday. Nolva at 40mg clomid at 100mg. After that I’ll go to 20mg to 50mg. I’m also talking velvet deer antler as a natural tes booster throughout pct. also working on drinking more water
yea the bloat is the lack of ai... next time educate yourself before running a cycle..
Sorry for the late reply been crazy lately. I***8217;ve had to revamp of my diet due to my sodium intake. And yea i fucked up on my 6 week cycle I didn***8217;t use an AI. My last pin is tomorrow and I start pct Friday. Nolva at 40mg clomid at 100mg. After that I***8217;ll go to 20mg to 50mg. I***8217;m also talking velvet deer antler as a natural tes booster throughout pct. also working on drinking more water
welcome back op! why start pct right after your last pin? why not wait around 20 days more or less to start pct then? those test booters wont do much brotherman.
Pretty much any test booster that is store bought is a waste of money bud. You sound like you got a lot of research to do...
I had read that tes P being a short ester it was better to start the pct 2 days afterwards. That may have been misinformation though. And do you think Velvet deer antler extract is trash?
I had read that tes P being a short ester it was better to start the pct 2 days afterwards. That may have been misinformation though. And do you think Velvet deer antler extract is trash?

depends on the velvet deer antler extract maker as some are bunk.
In my opinion......AI during cycle ALWAYS- no otc test boosters (most are junk and NONE are as effective as clomid)- and I would start the Clomid on nolva on a lower dose and run longer. I would dose the Clomid one week 50 and 5 weeks 25. Nolva at 20 for 4weeks.
This is just what I would do. The otc test boosters are just not worth it for me. I can take low dose Clomid and my natural test goes through the roof. If your source is chosen wisely the Clomid is WAY cheaper than the absurd selection of test boosters at the store. Of any of them were truly effective then nobody would mess with all these estrogen receptor drugs.
My 2 cents. Good luck bro. Been wanting to run short cycles myself. Have started 2 of them but then I go an extra 10 weeks ;)
Wow great feedback men a couple more questions am I right on the start point of my pct? And is amoxicillin an effective way to deal with infection caused by bad sight injections prep or gear? Just a question for the future. And I want a longer cycle but I made a rookie ass mistake and did not get enough gear to cover. I will not fuck that up again.
I had read that tes P being a short ester it was better to start the pct 2 days afterwards. That may have been misinformation though. And do you think Velvet deer antler extract is trash?

Start pct 5-7 days after last pin. You were definitely misinformed on not using an ai.

At this stage, what are you expecting to gain from an otc test booster?