Man oh man. My friend, Ive scanned through this thread and am amazed at how many knowledgeable guys there are here giving their .02 and you listening to none of that advice.
There are two reason why you arent seeing happen what you want to see happen with your cycles.
1. Your diet isnt correct
2. Your training isnt correct
I dont believe one of these is more important than the other, they are BOTH the most important. You wanna make your muscles grow? You need to get to the gym and WORK!!! Not a couple little things here and there you need to PUT IN WORK. Its not easy, its hard work, that a lot of people dont wanna do. Next, after youve done work in the gym you need to get into the kitchen and WORK again. I wrote work in capitals because it is just that, fuckin hard work man, your body doesnt want to build muscle. You have to force it to, which isnt easy for most people.
You dont have to post your diet for us to know that your nutrition is off, and I dont mean this to come off negatively by any means. But, you need to hear it. And as far as your training, youre never gonna make muscles grow doing what your doing. I could write pages and pages of things for you but seeing whats going on in this thread I dont think it will do any good.
Listen man, you dont need drugs, especially more drugs. What you need to do is go back to the drawing board and start to put you mind to work and educate yourself on what actually is, because i see a lot of things you think arent leading you to where you wanna be, training wise.
If your serious about building muscle starting teaching yourself about training and nutrition. They are both very complex things thats take a lot of time to figure out. And i put these two subjects as equal as they go hand in hand with eachother, one doesnt work without the other.
And, like I said, im not trying to come of like a prick, thats not my intension. But when you come to a place with a question for people that have been around the block in this game it would be wise to listen to the advice they have.