My training is in line with Lyle McDonald's recommendations first of all. Second, I really didn't want to say this on a steroid forum because I know how insecure everyone is but steroids cause muscle growth even in the absence of training. So are the protein recommendations for steroid users btw. I was eating I think around 250g on my first cycle and all it does is make it hard for me to reach my calorie target.
Even if my training was shitty, it really wouldn't matter much at a gram of test plus dbol. Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that I have shitty genetics to begin with, which includes shitty recovery. I have been training for many years, enough to know when my body is recovered. I trained in the standard fashion with muscle groups once a week with 15-20 sets for many years before that with little progress. The style of training I use might not work for everyone but it works for me. And also to the guy that said I didn't know my body and couldn't tell if I was in a surplu, au contraire. I have been on diets for many years also and I'm in tune with my body and can definitely tell when I'm in a surplus or deficit.
The 1850 number was from my first cycle when I was on 500mg test, it was actually something like 1852, so it's not a capped result. I was on a gram this third cycle, and when I went to get a test it came out to something like >1500 so I just disregard it and didn't mention it.
Estrogen could potentially be the problem, I do retain a lot of water on cycle and last cycle I got it tested and it was a bit high. I increased my adex to 1mg per day after that and added the dbol and 100 mg propionate EOD(which I haven't mentioned). I made good gain during that last part of the cycle.