Weak gains from test after 3 cycles, should I try a different compound or give up?

This is getting good. Two guys running tren and arguing. Someone is smashing their computer or smartphone soon.

I havent pinned over a week! Going on 2 because i had a baby and had to move, Thats why im taking this so well lol no hard feelings here only reason i will argue with anyone is if i know from personal experience. Could i be wrong? Its possible ill find out many years from now, is it toxic right away? Absolutely not ive been using this shit way longer than just about everyone thats not afraid to admit it and i get blood work not cuz of tren for other reasons mainly estrogen but im yet to see a issue. Like i said if its toxic it should be for everyone and i know alot other guys that run it way higher and longer than me youll never catch me saying something i havent done.

it is awkward..

especially cause we hold hands sometimes when nobody is looking..

i am kinda jealous of guys that can run tren for lengthy periods

but there is no god damn way that shit is healthy FOR ME with the sides I've gotten

even at lower doses

with underpowered gear.

the 350 a week w/ace I'm doing now is barely tolerable with the sleep deprivation and mood swings.

im kind of a dick anyway, tren makes it worse.

i can run 3 miles in about 20 minutes.. with tren? even one mile is like tackling a bear, no fucking fun at all

i can say that overall health wise - it feels like two steps forward one step back. it isn't the bees knees for me's
it is awkward..

especially cause we hold hands sometimes when nobody is looking..

i am kinda jealous of guys that can run tren for lengthy periods

but there is no god damn way that shit is healthy FOR ME with the sides I've gotten

even at lower doses

with underpowered gear.

the 350 a week w/ace I'm doing now is barely tolerable with the sleep deprivation and mood swings.

im kind of a dick anyway, tren makes it worse.

i can run 3 miles in about 20 minutes.. with tren? even one mile is like tackling a bear, no fucking fun at all

i can say that overall health wise - it feels like two steps forward one step back. it isn't the bees knees for me's

Not trying to get you to convert to tren but i swear if you give it time and keep estro normal you adapt. I dont do cardio but when i didn't have a gym i trained myself to do cardio on tren. After a few weeks i was jogging miles wich i cant do anymore lol. But it all depends on everyone i can see your into sports that require endurance and tren is not a good choice but for me all i care about is size and muscle i find it to be amazing and i feel pretty normal on it now at first its a roller coaster figuring it out. Ive done npp shits awesome but it doesnt give me the look i want either way no hard feelings bro
OP - I'm guessing you didn't control estrogen well on cycle.. It's not that you don't respond well to test it's more like you respond negatively to high estrogen.

Personally I'd run a synergestic stack for my next cycle - and obviously run an AI and control estrogen
Something like. a test/tren/mast stack
or a clean bulk mass stack like.

Weeks 1-8 Tbol 70 mg
Test prop weeks 1-5. 150 mg eod
NPP weeks 1-14 600 mg a week
Test e weeks 1-15 400 mg a week
Masteron weeks 1-15 600 mg a week

You should be able to stay reasonably dry on a stack like that , also controlling your e2 with an AI

Eating clean but quite a bit above maintenance , upping your protein to way more then 200 g a day like you've were doing

Also, IMO, your training philosophy sucks. It's not ideal for putting on mass,, Also, training for strength like u said will NOT be noticed in the mirror,, if you want to look good and you want results then you need to train for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy , no myofibrillar .. So MORE volume, MORE time under tension,, light weight high reps. AND training and hitting a single body part only once per week is NOT gonna work. Who cares if your arms are sore, train them again, and again, hit them as much as u can, then eat and rest ..

But letting your bicep rest 6 days a week while your running gear (which speeds up recovery big time),, Is just plain silly

It's not that you don't respond to test well,, It's your diet is not great and training is messed up and your gear is not that great.. It's ALL these things, You gotta get ALL of these things at the optimal level to make crazy good gains. If one of these things is off, the gains will be lack luster
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yah man , naturally on alot of cycles in acaloric surplus ur going to put on some fat ... but it looks like u have made some gains under it for sure ... just got down in a little bit ... how much weight did u gain ?
Yes you can know, if you are gaining weight/fat then you are eating at a surplus. Steroids' effect on burning fat is ovverated and my bloods put me at 1850 ng/dl around week 4-5, so maybe very slightly underdosed.

Wrasse, that was my point. They didn't help me recover faster.
1850ng/dL on a GRAM? Forget the non-responder nonsense, you've got shit gear.

Well awsome can you prove its toxic? I know its nice to repeat what you read and what everyone says but can you prove it? Ive been running tren pretty much all year have had blood work and exepted for life insurance just got a routine check up like 2 months ago everything exept good cholesterol was normal. How much experience do you have with tren? How did you come to that conclusion? I use to say the same shit because thats all you here on the Internet youll never catch me giving advice or saying anything unless i have hands on experience doing it.

If tylenol can kill everyone one of us if we drink the whole bottle there is not gonna be one guy on this forum that handles it different if something is toxic its fucking toxic to everyone. Do a test for everyone run trt dose test take before bloodwork ill send you some good ass tren run that whole bottle then do bloodwork if your not on prescription drugs or dont drink alcohol i guarantee your not gonna have issues prove me wrong ill pay for one of your blood tests

Sorry brother, but Charlie is right. Trenbolone is hepatotoxic and tough on the kidneys. Don't believe me? Run it without NAC/liv52/(T) UDCA, and check out those AST/ALT values on a blood test.

Nectar of the Gods? Yup! Toxic? Yup.

FYI: Tylenol is also toxic - to put things in perspective. ;)
1850ng/dL on a GRAM? Forget the non-responder nonsense, you've got shit gear.

Sorry brother, but Charlie is right. Trenbolone is hepatotoxic and tough on the kidneys. Don't believe me? Run it without NAC/liv52/(T) UDCA, and check out those AST/ALT values on a blood test.

Nectar of the Gods? Yup! Toxic? Yup.

FYI: Tylenol is also toxic - to put things in perspective. ;)

The test is capped at that level I am assuming. I have seen that number very often lol. Can you confirm OP, or does your gear truly suck?
1850ng/dL on a GRAM? Forget the non-responder nonsense, you've got shit gear.

Sorry brother, but Charlie is right. Trenbolone is hepatotoxic and tough on the kidneys. Don't believe me? Run it without NAC/liv52/(T) UDCA, and check out those AST/ALT values on a blood test.

Nectar of the Gods? Yup! Toxic? Yup.

FYI: Tylenol is also toxic - to put things in perspective. ;)

Ive never ever ran those supplements i believe in fruit snoothies pineapple, blue berries , banana, spurilina ect.... there was actually a thread in a forum i got banned from lol but some guy had fu ked up blood work and was questioning one of those supps u just mentioned i dont recall if it was tudca or the otheer one. I put that on my baby i dont take any supps for liver unless its tea, im not saying there not useful i just dont think any of us abuse orals enough to even need them. I didn't mention i was also on superdrol when i got blood work for life insurance, the only thing i did was take lisinopril just to make sure my bp wasnt high, other than that im a pretty healthy guy past his mid 30's
i still wanna have sex with you by the way :-)
If you guys wanna fund me ill inject as many bottles of tren you want on video and i bet i wont die just punch holes in walls and start lifting everything in sight
A) At 1850ng/dl from a gram of test your gear is shit. It's highly underdosed.

B) You said your diet isn't consistent, then it isn't dialed. Some guys can not track calories, because they've learned their body, and are in tune with it, and no what to do to tweak things. You aren't that guy yet, you may never be, or maybe you will. But, to learn your body is to track everything, and tweak, and see what happens. By the way 200grams of protein ISN'T enough. You need to know how many carbs you're taking in, and how much fat. If you're just guessing, most people usually guess way too low, and they are eating more calories than they think.

C) Your training is shit. You said you're in constant pain from pinning, then maybe your gear is shit and causing you pain, you suck at injections, or you're a pussy and need to suck it up. 8 sets? I do 15 sets just for biceps. In case you aren't clear that's one of the smallest muscle groups. My current leg routine is 18 sets of quads, and 11 for hamstrings. You could probably bump those sets up if you were on cycle, which I'm not right now. Your body can handle more, you recover faster, and your protein synthesis happens at a higher rate.
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Ive never ever ran those supplements i believe in fruit snoothies pineapple, blue berries , banana, spurilina ect.... there was actually a thread in a forum i got banned from lol but some guy had fu ked up blood work and was questioning one of those supps u just mentioned i dont recall if it was tudca or the otheer one. I put that on my baby i dont take any supps for liver unless its tea, im not saying there not useful i just dont think any of us abuse orals enough to even need them. I didn't mention i was also on superdrol when i got blood work for life insurance, the only thing i did was take lisinopril just to make sure my bp wasnt high, other than that im a pretty healthy guy past his mid 30's
i still wanna have sex with you by the way :-)

Yeah, but UDCA is not even a supplement it is a full blown medicine that you need a script for. They give it to people to combat liver diseases and shit. Congrats on the baby bud. My little girl just turned one and having a baby girl in your life calms you down and is really nice.
A) At 1850ng/dl from a gram of test your gear is shit. It's highly underdosed.

B) You said your diet isn't consistent, then it isn't dialed. Some guys can not track calories, because they've learned their body, and are in tune with it, and no what to do to tweak things. You aren't that guy yet, you may never be, or maybe you will. But, to learn your body is to track everything, and tweak, and see what happens. By the way 200grams of protein ISN'T enough. You need to know how many carbs you're taking in, and how much fat. If you're just guessing, most people usually guess way too low, and they are eating more calories than they think.

C) Your training is shit. You said you're in constant pain from pinning, then again your gear is shit and causing you pain, you suck at injections, or you're a pussy and need to suck it up. 8 sets? I do 15 sets just for biceps. In case you aren't clear that's one of the smallest muscle groups. My current leg routine is 18 sets of quads, and 11 for hamstrings. You could probably bump those sets up if you were on cycle, which I'm not right now. Your body can handle more, you recover faster, and your protein synthesis happens at a higher rate.

The blood test he ordered is capped at that level. I see a bunch of idiots post that same number all over forums lol. If he ordered the correct blood test and that is his score then his dealer is a fucking scumbag because that is the most underdosed gear I have heard of lol
1850ng/dL on a GRAM? Forget the non-responder nonsense, you've got shit gear.

Sorry brother, but Charlie is right. Trenbolone is hepatotoxic and tough on the kidneys. Don't believe me? Run it without NAC/liv52/(T) UDCA, and check out those AST/ALT values on a blood test.

Nectar of the Gods? Yup! Toxic? Yup.

FYI: Tylenol is also toxic - to put things in perspective. ;)

Not trying to hijack this thread but my AST and ALT values always come up high even though I don't drink or use any drugs other than gear (no oral AAS either). They were high before I started using gear and the last blood test they were higher still. I picked up udca and will be running it, but is it ever normal to have high values?
Not trying to hijack this thread but my AST and ALT values always come up high even though I don't drink or use any drugs other than gear (no oral AAS either). They were high before I started using gear and the last blood test they were higher still. I picked up udca and will be running it, but is it ever normal to have high values?

Do you take foreign pw powders? Lol
Do you take foreign pw powders? Lol

No just shit my brother gets for free at work. During the first bloods I wasn't using any preworkout for about 2 months, only coffee before a workout. Maybe they are making it go up higher, but all other liver values are in normal range.
OP is that 1850 ng/dl a capped blood test number or is that a real total? Post a pdf if you are confused.
No just shit my brother gets for free at work. During the first bloods I wasn't using any preworkout for about 2 months, only coffee before a workout. Maybe they are making it go up higher, but all other liver values are in normal range.

Not sure whats causing it and why i dont get that reaction ill get some blood work soon and show you guys. I have a theory not sure if its real but i think aas exells anything you consume thats why i think if people take pain pills it makes it so much worse on you. I dont know like i said only thing wrong with my blood work in the last year is cholesterol but that wadnt even that bad.

I dont always eat clean but i drink my juices and smoothies plenty water oorganic foods that i can afford and im very healthy on all this tren