Weak Immune System while on cycle


New member
Hello Guys and Gals

I have been doing test cyp HTR 100mg once a week for 6 months but I moved on to test prop 100mg 3 times a week and I incorporated winny. I’m one week out from PCT.
It seems like since I have been on test I have had issues with my immune system fighting off infections. I have had several sinus infections since starting and several colds. I’m not sure if test has anything to do with it but it came on when I started test. I rarely got sick but now it seems like once a month now.
I take a daily multi vitamin and several other supplements to promote good health.

If anyone else had had this issue, how did you fix it because I want to move on to a tren/testp/anadrol cycle.

Thanks for all your help.
were you getting sick while on the 100mg a week??

when was the last time you had bloodwork done?
Check your E2 as that can effect immune system. As well, start taking 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, the stuff with 'the mother' in it every day, this will help keep a healthy immune system along with proper nutrition.
I only started TRT because my doc gave me legal test. I had blood work done right before i started TRT and my test levels were low. Low enough to concern my doc. He put me on TRT once a month and i knew by reading that that wasn't sufficient so i found a doc who gave me 200mg per week of cyp. I moved on from that and started 300mg of prop and winny. I want to come off for a month before i start my tren, anadrol, prop cycle.

Its been crazy though with illness. I have had the flu, sinus infections like crazy and i just recently got over walking pneumonia. Im eating good and taking vitamins everyday so i dont know whats going on. I never get sick but i have been since i started on test.