Week 11 of first cycle (test cyp) can i extend it?


New member
I am currently on week 11 of my first cycle. i started with 6 weeks of dbol to give the test cyp some time to kick in. Have liquid exemestane (aromasin) in case of gyno but have had no symptoms at all.

I just want some advice on whether i could extend my cycle from the 12 weeks i originally planned, up to a 16 week cycle or would this be a bit irresponsible of myself?

I only have aromasin for my PCT this is fine right? Also if i do 16 week cycle instead of 12 weeks should my PCT be longer and is 25mg of aromasin every day the right amount for me to be taking?

Lots of questions i know but i want to do this right, appreciate your replies.
of coarse you can extend you cycle,

but aromasin isnt for post cycle therapy (pct)! its an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you suppose to take it during cycle so estrogen can attach to the estrogen receptors!

your post cycle therapy (pct) should look like this

clomid-50/50/50/50 thats 50mgs everyday for 4 weeks
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
of coarse you can extend you cycle,

but aromasin isnt for pct! its an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you suppose to take it during cycle so estrogen can attach to the estrogen receptors!

your pct should look like this

clomid-50/50/50/50 thats 50mgs everyday for 4 weeks
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

everyone is different,getting bloods done to see if your aromasin dose is right,you dont want to crash your estrogen for sure,most people use 12.5mg/day(1/2cc of the liquid) most are lower bodyfat though,but some lower bf guys has to use higher doses,i use 25mg/day cause my bf is higher,i dont have any problems with gyno,my test just converts to estrogen fast,so i keep on mine and 25 is my sweet spot

plus aromasin will only control 80% of estrogen,and it wont rebound like adex will,thats why i like aromasin better,easier on lipids and good for libido in some

and 4everbulking is right,listen to him