Week 3 of Test E and EQ feeling soft


New member
Okay so I'm on my third week of 600 mg per week of each. And I have to say I feel soft as hell. Usually I feel full and hard the day after a workout. But that's just not the case. I'm taking 12.5 mg of Stane every day. Anyone have similar experience?
Give it a few more weeks. It's still to soon to notice. I'm into my fifth week of deca and test e and I'm really starting to fill out and my muscles are super hard.
Give it time man, your on 2 long esters, you need to let the blood plasma build..expect noticeable returns by the end of next week,beginning of the following..

Have you noticed your skin starting to get a bit oily?
Give it time man, your on 2 long esters, you need to let the blood plasma build..expect noticeable returns by the end of next week,beginning of the following..
Have you noticed your skin starting to get a bit oily?

Hell yeah oily skin! And vascularity! It's for sure in there, I just look smaller than I was pre cycle. Maybe it's in my head. "The real reason we use AAS"
Okay so I'm on my third week of 600 mg per week of each. And I have to say I feel soft as hell. Usually I feel full and hard the day after a workout. But that's just not the case. I'm taking 12.5 mg of Stane every day. Anyone have similar experience?

Man on week 7 of 450mg of each, honestly i felt the same way until the past 2 weeks I've really started to feel more dense and my vascularity is there more than when i just have a pump. strength increased more in past 2 weeks than the first 4 just stay consistent with your diet and training. Ive also added some cardio acceleration to my workouts and its helped a lot which is simply doing some light cardio in between sets instead of resting, super basic shit, body squats, planks, step ups, jump rope, jumping max, whatever just something to keep your body active, as long as it doesn't use the muscle group your working it doesn't affect your lift at all at least it hasn't for me i have actually gotten strong since implementing it