Week 6 Enanthate and Equipoise Blood Results

No help? Any advice? I'm mainly worried about my LH and FSH. Looks like I'm pretty shut down. I literally have no sides. Some bumps on my chest that's it. When I get my HCG (in about 3 weeks) should I blast a little?
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Obviously you're shut down...you're on cycle. HCG is not going to show up on a blood test. It mimics LH but will not show up as LH on a blood test. Nor will it prevent you from shutting down.
Obviously you're shut down...you're on cycle. HCG is not going to show up on a blood test. It mimics LH but will not show up as LH on a blood test. Nor will it prevent you from shutting down.

So what's your opinion overall on the test results?
HCG doesn't show up as gonadotropins on a blood test.

Can't really comment on your testosterone level since your test capped the results at 1500 ng/dl.

Only real takeaway from this set of labs is that you're overdoing it with the Aromasin.
Allergies? Other than the obvious with the estradiol, looks like you're fighting pollen or a cold. The best way to to test HCG is via an HCG screen - also known as a home pregnancy test. :)
Allergies? Other than the obvious with the estradiol, looks like you're fighting pollen or a cold. The best way to to test HCG is via an HCG screen - also known as a home pregnancy test. :)

Good call, I'll pick one up today. So I shouldn't be worried about my FSH and LH? These are normal on cycle numbers? I know my balls have shrunk atleast 50%
Everything but E2 look good. Back off on the AI dose.

How much hCG are you taking and what is your protocol? You should not have experienced 50% atrophy.
250mg every pin... Which is every 3 days.i think my HCG expired because they were fine up until the past couple weeks. Does this spell trouble?

300mg Enanthate 300mg EQ 250mg HCG every three days. 12.5 mg Aromasin daily.
Good call, I'll pick one up today. So I shouldn't be worried about my FSH and LH? These are normal on cycle numbers? I know my balls have shrunk atleast 50%

LH and FSH come from the pituitary gland when you're not on any AAS. As you're on a cycle, they SHOULD be zero - letting you know that not only is your gear at least legit enough to suppress you, but also that your body is working as intended. ;)