Week one on M1T


New member
Well I have to be very happy about the first week of work. I went to my gym trainer and got my BF done. Before I started I was 151lbs at 13% BF. I am running 10mg's of M1T and 200mg's of Boldione ED. I am keeping alog of all my lifts and pounds so that I can get the most out of each workout. I will post again next week with the difference I never kept a log before. Well after one week I am up to 155lbs. I am really trying to keep my diet right this time around and its hard but worth it. I have to say I have felt some side's for this stack I am always feeling sleepy and my Unit just doesn't want to wake up anymore. I think my wife is starting to think something is wrong.
At the gym I got my weight and BF done to log my results I am at 156lbs a 9% BF. I was shocked. I know the is always a 2% chance for error to factor in but that still means I gained 5lbs and dropped 2% BF. I am going to keep hitting the gym hard. I am also uping my M1T dose to 20mg's this week. I can't wait to see week 2 results.
Good for you! I wish it had done something for me. I did 10mg my first week and 20 my second week and I saw 0 resluts!
Is that a question or a statement? Am I sure thats why I didnt get results? I dont know for sure. I didnt change one thing in my routine though. I ate the same, slept the same, f*cked them same so on and so forth.
Hende it is simple. You must have done something wrong for it not to work. That is like saying test doesn't work.