Weight Gain


New member
ok, im new to this forum, im new to most of the stuff on the forum, but am not completely dumb.

Im going to put it as easily as possible:

19yrs old
5' 10"
127 lbs

Basically I am average height but very skinny, as you can see i way barely anything (i mean 58kg...seriously). You can feel every bone in my body lol.

I am finishing my college education soon and want to hit the gym hard.
I will have Mon to Fri free (as i work all day weekends).

My aim is to just generally bulk up in size, i dont have to be insanely big like some people, i just want to be able to feel something other than bones.

I dont know if it is a really high metabolism that i have that makes me not keep weight on, but i can have maccas or any other fatty food constantly for weeks and i will not put on any weight (just pimples lol).

I want some muscle yes, but not 100% lean mass like most of you aim for, even if half of what i can put on is fat, then so be it, because i really dont think i will ever look like someone obese. I basically just want to look bigger everywhere, shoulders arms, wrists, chest, and legs(least important to me).

I putting this out to anyone to may have been in a same position or perhaps knows alot about dieting for skinnier people.

Recommend any supplements i should take, any diets you recommend, anabolics etc.

I have thought about taking some anabolics, dekka in particular, but think that it wont help at all besides cutting me up, since im skinny.

To sum it up, I want to put on wieght (fat or muscle) so i can look normal and not skinny (im not anorexic or anything btw)

Please let me know what you guys recommend

Dont forget right now i am very unfit eat alot of take away, but i do plan on going gym up to 5 times a day.

Relpys appreciated
FORGET about steroids! (at least for some years)

I was 125 lbs 5'8 two years ago. 180 lbs now, and all that weight I gained was due to eating, training and resting (no gear yet).

Maybe you'll need to forcefeed yourself in order to get the kcals to grow. Do it.
Food is the best anabolic on earth. Suplemments are good, but food is the most important in people with your problem.

You should easily get to 190 lbs with just food and train.
luquillo78 said:
FORGET about steroids! (at least for some years)

Maybe you'll need to forcefeed yourself in order to get the kcals to grow. Do it.
Food is the best anabolic on earth. Suplemments are good, but food is the most important in people with your problem.

Exactly, check out the posts on bulking diets, as well as the recipe section. Put together a training program based on the big three lifts--squats, deadlifts, and bench