Weight up but waistline down?


New member
Just curious to see if this is pretty normal. Today when I weighed myself my weight went up by half a pound (checking in every week) but when I measured myself, my waistline went down by a half an inch. Which should I be watching out for more?
Weight up by half pound could mean a few things: you gained a bit of muscle, increased water retention/hydration, glycogen stores, full bladder or bowel, some undo tested food still in your Gi tract, etc.

Your waist going down a half inch means you lost some water weight around your waist or fat.

Both are important indicators of what's going on. The biggest change at the momen would be the waist size going down. That's great news! The weight going up could just be you didn't go to the bathroom prior to weighing yourself or you gained some muscle.
Well I'm hoping it was weight loss. I thought I looked more cut at the gym today so I'm telling myself that I lost fat haha.
No it wasn't fasting. I actually stuffed myself last night at a post mid term party so if anything it was after a gorging.
you should be weighing yourself while fasted in the morning... after the restroom.. its the least biased measurement
you should be weighing yourself while fasted in the morning... after the restroom.. its the least biased measurement

Oh that is what you meant? Yes, I Weighed myself without eating anything for the prior 8 hours, not after I ate everything in sight. Sorry about the confusion.