Weighted Dips


New member
I've been doing dips 4 sets 8-12 reps. I hear guys recommending weighted dips--what do you do? Strap a plate to your back or wear a weighted belt or something?
whatever makes you feel good. When i was doing dips I had a dumbell between my legs. Some have belts on so they can concentrate more on the muscle being worked others. You can also wear a pack pak if you can't get a belt.
Hold a db between your legs, this is easy until you start to add some serious weight. Then it is time to get a belt and chain.
easier to do with a belt and chain...also, most gyms have the setup....also, i alternate leaning forward a bit and being straight up when i do them...

Easto said:
How much extra weight do you guys strap on when doing these?

This last cycle I would add about 135lbs. for 6 reps. and I weighed 220+ at the time.
Now off cycle that number is a little lower.
i was doing close grip dips to parallel with a total weight on 315 when i was 18 years old for 5 reps.
God i need start that again.
I use a belt and a chain, and i just attach the weight plates, then pull out 4 sets of 8-10. That helps build mass good.