weirdest place you ever jerked off

Desert Storm, sitting in the middle of Iraq, got dared to do it, they collected up a pool of like $45 and I did the deed. Shit, I would have done it for free!!! I was going on 53 jerk free days, so I was about to bust.
53 holy shit is that a dry spell, no busting in 53 days could kill a man.
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
Desert Storm, sitting in the middle of Iraq, got dared to do it, they collected up a pool of like $45 and I did the deed. Shit, I would have done it for free!!! I was going on 53 jerk free days, so I was about to bust.
53 days!? How many people did you kill when you came?
I already can see the CCN headlines. 4 marines shot through the head with high velocity sperm.

Anyway, I once jacked off on my mothers face while she was sleeping. I’ve no idea if that’s weird?
one time I jerked off in a church pew during Christmas mass. No one said anything because you're not allowed to talk out loud in church when the priest is preaching. Jigga what
one time I jerked off at a basketball game in the stands during halftime and everyone was cheering for me. I came in an empty cup and then tossed it into the crowd that had gathered around me. I was a hero that day, high fives everywhere for this guy.
Right behind my pal. He has a couch in front of his computer, which is loaded with porn. I was laying on the couch, he was sitting upright against the opposite side playing videogames on a TV. I just whipped it out.
in the back of a sparsely populated bus in south india. right after i did it i took the biggest, nastiest diarraha all over the floor of the bus. then i went back to the front of the bus and pretended nothing happened, i got off at the next stop
A Tree Stand. It was more of a practicality thing to get the blood pumping in freaking december...or at least I rationalize it like that.
I was driving to work and my car was dirty and I was horny so I stopped in the carwash and rubbed one out. It made the rest of my morning much better.