well i finally got up the guts...

Holy fuckin peak on the bi's. The rest of your body looks good. I would only say to concentrate on your chest, but that's being picky.
Take another picture and DON'T use the flash. Muscular definition is appreciated through shadows and you can't see shadows when you have the flash on. Stand under a light source and have the flash turned off for the next picture.
Golgo13 said:
Take another picture and DON'T use the flash. Muscular definition is appreciated through shadows and you can't see shadows when you have the flash on. Stand under a light source and have the flash turned off for the next picture.
and throw a pic of your wheels in there too. but you look great bro. mid section looks ripped to sh*t!!! nice work.
look like a bit under 10% cause u have the crisp intercoastals and arms are looking thick.

Post up the legs
thanks alot guys..wow that means alot..you guys made my day..i have done around 6 or 7 cycles over the past ten years. this is the first time i actually tried to put on some lean mass..not sure how much mass i put on but not being all bloated out is nice. Anyone have any thoughts on my pct? i started hcg @ week 4.. thinking nolva & arimidex
looking good ,,, bi's are overpowering your tri's IMHO... but again ,, thats being picky ,,, looking very solid.