What 2 do to get no ESTROGENIC EFFECTS?


Been Natural for a Year!!
25 mg dbol daily for 6 weeks...what could i do not 2 get the estrogenic effects!!! im overseas and can't really get nothing else...All i have is GNC and the food store..
d-bol only is a bad choice.. if i was you i would hold off till you came across some test.. no need to rush it.. just because d-bol is the only thing you could find doesnt make it ok to take it.. hang in there and look around youll find what your loking for.. until then eat sleep and hit the gym..
how old r u man, have u done ur research? u need some test with that and u need to have a post cycle therapy (pct) planned b4 u start ne thing bro.
Yea yall are right...Hmm but i am gettin 5 months worth of HGH...would it be good with that or should i get rid of it?? I've had great results off of it before...My bodys a little weird and counter acts with dbol reallly good...I got real strong off the dbol kind of defined but my face just blew up with water...By the way im 21
of course ur gonna feel strong on the dbol, but what about afterwards??? ull lose 100 percent of all gains{not to mention u have clue about a pct} i think u should do alot more research as u are not ready. sorry live and learn.
how old r u man, have u done ur research? u need some test with that and u need to have a pct planned b4 u start ne thing bro.


Bump juiceman you should be 25 yo at a min before cycling. I know we're all in a hurry , but you must have pct in place before cycling
If you are new to cycling usually a test only first cycle is called for. Reallistically a long estered test (testC,E or sustanon) at 500mg/wk with 400 mg/wk EQ for 12-16 weeks
you can preload the EQ week-1&-2.you should at a minimum have nolvadex for pct. If this is your first cycle I'd recommend a couple 5000 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) vials in case your nuts shrink.
If you are overseas as in the military & therefore very young be aware that it is not all that uncommon for people to NOT fully recover normal testicular function after useing steroids. this will leave you with reduced sex drive .depression, reduced energy levels,reduced fertility, a tendency to store fat ,dificulty building muscle , You'll also be subjected to clinnically low estragen levels as you get your estragen from aromatising test into estragen. Low estragen levels will make it difficult to heal .your soft tissues will be weakened & you'll be prone to severe joint deteriation at shockingly young ages.You'll also be prone to nerological diseases such as alzheimers. Women who don't replace estragen after menopause are 20 times more likely to contract alzheimers.

Anyhoo obviously Option B would be testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or testosterone replacement theorapy for life . This will significantly reduce the aforementioned complications. Of course Very few doctors know squat about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). you need to monitor a bunch of stuff : Bound test, free test, estragen,sex binding globulin hormone etc. etc.
You can get away with an injection every 10 days for life. Of course unless you cycle HCG
you'll be infertile shortly after starting TRT.You'll be able to have sex even great sex but in a couple years your nuts will be the size of raisins, & long before that you'll be shooting blanks. It's not impossible to have kids on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but you have to go in planning on kids with a doc that knows his shit. you can't just go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) & a few years later ,after your body has all but reabsorbed your nuts & what's left is simply innert fiborous tissue decide to have kids, unless you adopt.
Anyhoo I wouldn't do a d-bol only cycle especially if you don't know how prone to gyno you are & definately not without a proper PCT in place.
just my 2 centavoes
25 mg dbol daily for 6 weeks...what could i do not 2 get the estrogenic effects!!! im overseas and can't really get nothing else...All i have is GNC and the food store..

juice man is correct you will build huge strenght on a d-bol only cycle ...then lose all of it Gnc might carry DIM which would help with est sides nolvadex or tamoxifen would be better which you need for post cycle therapy (pct).
Aramidex is the safest Aromatase inhibitor (AI) letrozole is the most powerful . (& hard to dose correctly).
proviron would work & so would masterone.But you ain't gonna get any of thase at gnc. if you are gonna do this ILLADVISED CYCLE. order DIM from gnc & take during & after cycle. Also take milk thistle & or liver 52 for liver support. also eat butt loads of tribulous after cycle to help restore testicular function .you'll be super jazzed at how fast you blow up & twice as depressed when you shrink back . Then your estragen test levels will invert as your nuts will be shut down & your aromatase enzymes will be converting all that d-bol to estragen.
Then I hope your not on a battelfield cuz you'll be depressed as all that hard earned muscle is reabsorbed & you'll be a super chic with all that estragen (moody) . Anyhoo best of luck to you Me I'd wait till 25 or if I broke that rule I'd definately do a proper test EQ cycle with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand & tamoxifen (nolvadex) for post cycle therapy (pct) .& I'd have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand for nut shrinkage.
Also get to know your nuts so when you wake up on cycle & they're 2/3 the size they used to be you'll know to start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to halt the shrinking (200-500iu/day ) sub Q

you've probably got 50-65 more years to live so I'd read a bit more first & not screw yourself up for life the first time out
4 weeks of the dbol... I go home for 4 weeks in March IS that enough time 2 do some test and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and get back 2 normal??? or would it take some more time? Im learning about the post cycle therapy (pct) :help:
well you'd need to start nolvadex immeadiatly after finishing the d-bol because of it's short 1/2 life .2-3 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) just 30-40mg nolva/day week 1 of post cycle therapy (pct) 30mg/day nolvadex week 2 & 20mg/day week3. You'll need the nolvadex waiting for you at home .If you do a d-bol only cycle break it up. 1/2 first thing inmorning & other 1/2 6-8 hrs later . are you asking can you get a cycle & post cycle therapy (pct) into 4 weeks nope not really . If you did the cycle immediatly before going home & 24 hrs later you were home yea you could do post cycle therapy (pct) in that time.
Your young though . You can get creatin & glutathione load from gnc & that will make a noticable difference . not like steroids but still substantual w/o screwing up your HPTA
well fuck...im going 2 take 50mg dbol for 4 weeks and test/with 30 mg anavar for 8 weeks then novadex for PCT??? would i take the same dosage as directed above with the novadex?
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how about u just stick to test since ur mind is set already. u will enjoy the gains. i think u need to research mor man to be completley honest.