What advice would you give?


New member
I have been doing alot of research after I had some blood work done this week( taken at 9am), and trying to learn as much as possible about TRT and whether it may help me.

My story: 33YO active guy 6' 255# lift heavy 4-5 days a week. always been into lifting or sports. Been powerlifting since Feb and having a blast. WIth that said my doctor ordered a blood test last week to help figure out why I am so run down, sleepy all the time, and just feel like crap in general. Many days I barely feel like I can get off the couch. Just have zero energy and feel like I need more sleep.

I was diagnosed with Depression a little over a year ago and have been on medication since then and doing very well but I would love to be off of the meds!. I have also had ED issues in the past as far back as 5 years ago and was prescribed Viagra then Cialis both of which I stopped taking because of the side effects I was having. I pushed my Dr. to also check my test levels which he was highly against doing for whatever reason.

Here are the results.
WBC 7.9
RBC 5.13
HGB 15.6
HCT 45.8
MCV 89.2
MCH 30.5
RDW 13.5
PLT 204
MPV 8.8
Segs 68.5
Lymphocytes 22.8
Monocytes 5.6
BUN 15
Creatinine 1.4 High
Alkaline Phophatase 93 High
Albumin 4.4
EGFR 58 Low

TSH 1.03 Range .34-5.60
Free T4 .85 Range .61-1.62
TT 409 Range 348-1197

No idea if any of this is helpful. I am scheduling another blood test next week and going to check Free and total test. I have read some research on TRT and improving depression. That combined with maybe helping the ED and giving me my energy back is why I am taking a look at my options. I would love to get any info or advice you guys can offer.
TRT may help drastically with your depression if that is indeed the underlying cause. Which it may well be too - 400ng/dl for a 30 year old is pretty low. Definitely get it retested to confirm borderline-low levels... And I'd have a go at trying to restart first before looking at TRT, but they don't always work.

You need a few more values though, at the moment we barely have half the picture. In addition to free T and total T, you also need: LH, FSH, e2, SHGB and prolactin too if you can. The most important ones being LH FSH Total T and e2. Make sure you get those as a minimum.

I might also add that if your doctor was 'highly against' even checking for test... you need a new doc. That's a pretty much surefire gauruntee he will be useless and will not help you. Or even if he does he more than likely has no clue and will end up making your situation worse. It's in your best interests to learn as much as you can about proper TRT management because a LOT of medical professionals are still WAY behind in the field.

Drink some more water too :p and maybe invest in some NAC too.
Thank you, I have an appointment with a different Dr tomorrow and we are going to run a full hormone panel. Should have the full picture In a couple of days. The appointment is with a trt dr. What are some must ask questions
Thank you, I have an appointment with a different Dr tomorrow and we are going to run a full hormone panel. Should have the full picture In a couple of days. The appointment is with a trt dr. What are some "must ask" questions that I bring up at my appointment?
TRT may help drastically with your depression if that is indeed the underlying cause. Which it may well be too - 400ng/dl for a 30 year old is pretty low. Definitely get it retested to confirm borderline-low levels... And I'd have a go at trying to restart first before looking at TRT, but they don't always work.

You need a few more values though, at the moment we barely have half the picture. In addition to free T and total T, you also need: LH, FSH, e2, SHGB and prolactin too if you can. The most important ones being LH FSH Total T and e2. Make sure you get those as a minimum.

I might also add that if your doctor was 'highly against' even checking for test... you need a new doc. That's a pretty much surefire gauruntee he will be useless and will not help you. Or even if he does he more than likely has no clue and will end up making your situation worse. It's in your best interests to learn as much as you can about proper TRT management because a LOT of medical professionals are still WAY behind in the field.

Drink some more water too :p and maybe invest in some NAC too.

Mine was 432ng/dl @ age 20. I feel much better now @ 928ng/dl.
Thank you, I have an appointment with a different Dr tomorrow and we are going to run a full hormone panel. Should have the full picture In a couple of days. The appointment is with a trt dr. What are some must ask questions

Few basic questions I would ask...

1) If your LH and FSH are low (meaning maybe secondary hypo) - would he be willing to try a small restart program, like low dose Clomid or Nolvadex
2) If he opts for TRT, can you self inject at least twice a week, and at what starting dose
3) Does he monitor estrogen and support use of AI
4) Does he support use of HCG
5) How often, at least initially, does he get bloodwork done so you can dial in doses
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Few basic questions I would ask...

1) If your LH and FSH are low (meaning maybe secondary hypo) - would he be willing to try a small restart program, like low dose Clomid or Nolvadex
2) If he opts for TRT, can you self inject at least twice a week, and at what starting dose
3) Does he monitor estrogen and support use of AI
4) Does he support use of HCG

^ This x 100.
Update: I had an appointment with a TRT Dr in my area yesterday. She was extremely knowledgeable and was able to answer and explain all the things I had come up with in my research. We did some more blood work to fill in the gaps from my other work and I get results back today. After chatting with her it looks like I am going to start at 100 once a week. She is allowing me to self inject and we will keep an eye on my blood work and see if I need to use HCG or adjust the dosage. I was very impressed with both the knowledge level and the fact that she didnt rush me through everything like my PCP. Thank you for help the help so far. I am sure i'll have more questions. I am looking forward to starting to feel better.